
Suppressed technologies patents pending release » News » Suppressed technologies patents pending release

News Date: August 5, 2020

Most of the listed technology areas are closely related to military applications. But some of them range more widely like Energy conversion systems, being subject to secrecy orders detrimental to the national security.
The current list of technology areas that is used to screen patent applications for possible restriction under the Invention Secrecy Act is not publicly available and has been denied under the Freedom of Information Act.

Patent for Blockchain-Based Secure-Voting System

Patent US20200258338:
A voting system can use the security of blockchain and the mail to provide a reliable voting system. A registered voter receives a computer readable code in the mail and confirms identity and confirms correct ballot information in an election. The system separates voter identification and votes to ensure vote anonymity, and stores votes on a distributed ledger in a blockchain.

Donald Trump nationalized the Federal Reserve?

Fed and Treasury to Merge?
The federal government is nationalizing large swaths of the financial markets. The Fed is providing the money to do it. BlackRock will be doing the trades. This scheme essentially merges the Fed and Treasury into one organization. So, meet your new Fed chairman, Donald J. Trump.

The Solar Eclipse on June is a New Moon Eclipse. New Earth Era

The Solar Eclipse on June 20th - 21st is a New Moon Eclipse, and is right on the Solstice and marks a time of major transformation!
There is a huge opening for the breakthroughs and answers to start coming to help us through this challenging time.
Earth is currently sitting at the dawn of a New Earth Era, on the brink of an epic shift toward a Universal Humanity.
We can use the gift of this moment to transform ourselves both personally, planetarily & cosmically as we awaken to our inherent 5D divinity.,

Zimbabwe will introduce gold coins

The Monetary Policy Committee resolved to introduce gold coins into the market as an instrument that will enable investors to store value.
The gold coins will be minted by Fidelity Gold Refineries (Private) Limited and will be sold to the public through normal banking channels.
Also, the Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe (RBZ), announced the review of interest rates and statutory reserves.
The measures come to combat the depreciation of the local currency, soaring inflation, and the threat of economic recession.

Trump Purges 11 Leading Advisors From Defense Policy Board

Several members of the top federal advisory committee to the U.S. Department of Defense have been suddenly pushed out, multiple U.S. officials told Foreign Policy, in what appears to be the outgoing Trump administrations parting shot at scions of the foreign-policy establishment.
The directive removes 11 high-profile advisors from the Defense Policy Board, including former Secretaries of State Henry Kissinger and Madeleine Albright; retired Adm. Gary Roughead, who served as chief of naval operations; and a onetime ranking member of the House Intelligence Committee, Jane Harman. Rudy De Leon, a former chief operating officer at the Pentagon once considered by then-Defense Secretary James Mattis for a high-level policy role, will also be ousted.

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