
The Solar Eclipse on June is a New Moon Eclipse. New Earth Era » News » The Solar Eclipse on June is a New Moon Eclipse. New Earth Era

News Date: June 19, 2020

The Solar Eclipse on June 20th - 21st is a New Moon Eclipse, and is right on the Solstice and marks a time of major transformation!
There is a huge opening for the breakthroughs and answers to start coming to help us through this challenging time.
Earth is currently sitting at the dawn of a New Earth Era, on the brink of an epic shift toward a Universal Humanity.
We can use the gift of this moment to transform ourselves both personally, planetarily & cosmically as we awaken to our inherent 5D divinity.,

Putin vows development, security and a strong monetary system

Russian President Vladimir Putin said the motto of Russia's 2024 BRICS chairmanship is 'strengthening multilateralism for equitable global development and security', focusing on positive and constructive cooperation with all countries involved.
Moscow intends to strengthen BRICS's position in the global monetary system, Putin added Monday at the beginning of 2024 BRICS chairmanship:
'We will contribute to the practical implementation of the Strategy for BRICS Economic Partnership 2025 and the Action Plan for BRICS Innovation Cooperation 2021-2024 for ensuring energy and food security, enhancing the role of BRICS in the international monetary system, expanding interbank cooperation and expanding the use of national currencies in mutual trade.'

Alleged Top Secret documents about GCR

Recent alleged classified documents about GCR, the super cryptocurrency of the free world.
Don't know yet if they are true or fake but we will be back.
Click HERE to read them.

Gold standard announcement

Gold is the standard, but silver linings are pretty great too.
A Wed. 24 June afternoon Trump tweet "Gold is the Standard" was an announcement of the new Gold Standard through the GCR/RV final roll-out underway right now.

BRICS quantum tech partnership

Russian scientist Alexey Fedorov is the leader of the Quantum Information Technologies group at Moscow-based Quantum Center.
He expressed a desire to develop close partnerships with China and India in the field of quantum technology.
When the city of Kazan hosts the BRICS conference the following year, Russia aims to make its case.
Fedorov: Because together we can make things which are very hard to do alone.
We can collaborate about quantum computing, maybe solving problems and exchanging opinions and we collaborate about quantum sensing and different technologies and make our BRICS alliance to be stronger.

Gold has the historic value

Russia holds world's fifth-largest gold & foreign currency reserves.
Russia has reached a historic record in international reserves, ranking fifth in the world after China, Japan, Switzerland, and India, the Accounts Chamber said after an audit of the country's gold and foreign exchange holdings.
Gold proves its intrinsic value over time, as a hoard of Roman gold coins recovered from the seabed.
The horde was identified after two amateur free divers discovered coins in the bay of Portitxol in Xabia.

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