
US Space Force the Guardians of QFS? » News » US Space Force the Guardians of QFS?

News Date: December 18, 2020

The new name for military space professionals, announced on Friday by Vice President Mike Pence, may appear to be a play on the Marvel superhero film Guardians of the Galaxy. But Space Force officials said it was a callback to a 1983 motto.
Vice President Mike Pence announces that uniformed members of the U.S. Space Force will be called Guardians. There you have it: Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen, Marines and Guardians.
What is the enemy right there in the space? We have not been attacked by aliens. Maybe QFS satellites need more protection.

High frequency gravitational wave generator Patent US10322827B2

The present invention is directed to a high frequency gravitational wave generator which includes a high frequency gravitational wave generator including a gas filled shell with an outer shell surface, microwave emitters, sound generators, and two acoustic vibration resonant gas-filled cavities.

Corrupt Systems Implosion

Markets will have to absorb higher rates, and there is too much debt.
This is one of the best macro setups in history for Gold & Silver.
Precious metals will see dramatic wealth enhancement when inherently false & corrupt systems and currencies collapse under their own weight.
More money creation is just a masked form of bankruptcy in which default is "avoided" at the expense of the underlying currencies.
In such inevitable cycle-turns, the real advantage of precious metals will rest in their historical role as wealth preservation insurers.
The supply of these critical assets will make them harder to acquire.
The key, therefore, is to buy your insurance before rather than after the financial fire.

The last bastion. President Xi Purges Chinas deep state

President Xi is launching his own war against Chinas deep state by launching a full-blown purge of the state security apparatus.
The ultimate goal of the campaign is simple: create police, prosecutors and judges who are absolutely loyal, absolutely pure and absolutely reliable.

Vatican entities to move all funds to Vatican ASAP

Pope Francis instructs Vatican entities to move all funds to the Vatican bank by September 30.
Pope Francis has ordered that the Holy See and connected entities move all financial assets to the Institute for Works of Religion (IOR), commonly known as the Vatican bank.
The subject of the transfer are the institutions connected with the Holy See that are holders of financial assets and liquidity, in whatever form they are held.

Trump announces historic deal between Serbia and Kosovo

Serbia and Kosovo have agreed to normalize economic relations, following U.S.-brokered talks that include Serbia moving its Israeli embassy to Jerusalem and Kosovo formally recognizing Israel.
U.S. President Donald Trump made the announcement Friday, after meeting with Kosovo Prime Minister Avdullah Hoti and Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic in the Oval Office earlier in the day.,

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