
Trump announces historic deal between Serbia and Kosovo » News » Trump announces historic deal between Serbia and Kosovo

News Date: September 4, 2020

Serbia and Kosovo have agreed to normalize economic relations, following U.S.-brokered talks that include Serbia moving its Israeli embassy to Jerusalem and Kosovo formally recognizing Israel.
U.S. President Donald Trump made the announcement Friday, after meeting with Kosovo Prime Minister Avdullah Hoti and Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic in the Oval Office earlier in the day.,

Gold is the future as inflation coming in hot

Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell keeps telling us not to worry about rising prices, assuring us that any increase in price inflation is transitory. It appears most of the mainstream is buying this hook line and sinker.
The collapse of fiat currencies will demolish the state theory of money, and not for the first time. Irrespective of how long it takes, the rapid loss of fiat currencies purchasing power means that governments will no longer be able to finance their obligations. There will, therefore, come a point where fiat money must be abandoned in the search for monetary stability. The demise of fiat is the demise of state money and the function of its replacement will be to restore public trust.
The replacement money can only be based on something in governments possession. And either in their treasury departments or central banks, other than each others fiat they only possess gold in their monetary reserves.

A comprehensive guide to Precious Metals

A comprehensive guide to Precious Metals. It is easy to understand. Even beginners can use it to learn about mining, what factors move prices, and how trading works.
The guide includes:
> Why Are Metals Important?
> What Are the Different Types of Metals?
> Main Uses of Metals?
> What are the Main Global Metals Trends?
> Top Metals Producing Countries?
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> What Are The Top Metals Investment Resources?
> Where to Trade Metals?
You can learn more here:

BRICS Alternatives to SWIFT

BRICS is the acronym denoting the emerging national economies of Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa.
It is a growing eastern world alliance led by China.
In another effort to reduce their dependence on the US dollar, BRICS members have been building their own global payment infrastructures for international transactions that are independent of the US dollar and can serve as alternatives to SWIFT, the leading messaging network for financial transactions worldwide.
This allows BRICS members, especially those who are often subjects of US sanctions, to create their own rules for international banking and settlement. Moreover, by extending alternative financial infrastructure to other countries and regions, BRICS can create greater buy-in for their own system and increase their financial and political influence through this alternative system.
Some BRICS members have independently developed their own cross-border payment mechanisms in recent years.
Both Russia and China have launched their national alternatives to the SWIFT global banking network and introduced their systems to broader global markets. Source:

ISO 20022 migration. The Ripple effect strikes the Pound

Ripple Joins the Digital Pound Foundation: Designing a Path for a CBDC-Forward Future.
Ripple is excited to announce it is joining the Digital Pound Foundation, a non-profit focused on the development and implementation of a digital Pound in the United Kingdom.
ISO 20022 promises greater interoperability between various settlement networks, richer information flows, higher levels of straight-through processing, and more efficient compliance processes.
It signals a significant opportunity for banks to improve operational efficiency and reassess existing business models.
ISO 20022 has already been introduced for high-value payments systems (HVPS) in major countries and is established as the standard in instant payments markets following implementations worldwide.

Countries normalizing relations with Israel

Israeli estimates indicate that there are Arab and Islamic countries on their way to sign an agreement with Tel Aviv, before the end of the term of the current US President, Donald Trump, on the twentieth of next January. This comes after the Moroccan monarch announced, yesterday, Thursday, the resumption of official bilateral contacts and diplomatic relations with Israel, shortly after the announcement by the outgoing US President Donald Trump on Twitter in which he confirmed that "Israel and the Kingdom of Morocco have agreed to establish full diplomatic relations between them."

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