
Satellite Communications transferred to Space Force » News » Satellite Communications transferred to Space Force

News Date: August 16, 2022

Space Force Takes Over All Military Satellite Communications.
The Army transferred some of its satellite operations to the Space Force on Monday, marking the latest move to reorganize and grow the youngest military branch.
This historic transfer from the Army to the Space Force will mark the first time all Department of Defense military satellite communication functions have been consolidated under single military service.

MOEX to launch Ruble priced gold July

Head of the exchange's derivatives market Maria Patrikeyeva stated that The Moscow Exchange is planning to start trading in perpetual gold futures.
Patrikeyeva: "We launched settled quarterly gold futures, and in the near future, in July, we will launch new perpetual gold futures,".
This statement was made at the press lunch "Options Market on the Moscow Exchange: New Opportunities."
On June 28, the Moscow Exchange started trading settled gold futures contracts denominated in Russian rubles.
The GLDRUB_TOM instrument from the exchange's precious metals market serves as the underlying asset.
A lot is 1 gram, while a tick's size and value are both 0.1 rubles.
On the day the contract is settled, the strike price is the RUGOLD index price as determined by the Moscow Exchange based on transactions involving the underlying asset in the precious metals market.

Donald Trump is against CBDCs

Donald Trump firmly opposes the idea of the Federal Reserve creating a central bank digital currency (CBDC) in the United States and vows to "never allow" the creation of such currency if elected.
His strong declaration to "never allow" the issuance of a CBDC reflects concerns about potential implications, such as privacy issues, government control, or disruptions to the existing financial system.
"As your president, I will never allow the creation of a central bank digital currency.
Such a currency would give a federal government, our federal government, the absolute control over your money, they could take your money and you wouldn't even know it was gone.
This would be a dangerous threat to freedom and I will stop it from coming to America", Trump stated during a speech in New Hampshire on January 17.

Gold rush. Welcome to the era of gold!

Gold, silver coin demand surging, straining U.S. Mint capacity.
The US Mint is limiting the distribution of its gold, silver, and platinum coins to specific dealers because of heavy demand, and a limited number of suppliers of metals.
Unprecedented silver demand forcing bullion deals to stop taking orders before the market opens.
After creating massive short-squeezes in stocks like Gamestop, Blackberry, and AMC, retail investors mobilized over social media started to focus on the silver market.

Best Stimulus Package

Trump Promises Best Stimulus Package You Have Ever Seen, After Election. Trumps announcement put his stamp of approval on a new timetable that came to the fore earlier in the day after Senators left Washington, D.C., for a pre-election break.

The end of monarchy

Queen Elizabeth II has been told that the writing is on the wall for the monarchy and that all members of the Royal Family should renounce their titles.
Barbados plans to remove the Queen as head of state without a referendum.
Canada could follow Barbados in ditching the Queen as their head of state and become a republic.,

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