
Eurasian alliance plans its own gold standard » News » Eurasian alliance plans its own gold standard

News Date: September 4, 2022

Towards the end of July, news emerged in the Russian media that Moscow and a number of its Eurasian allies are now reviewing a proposal to create an entirely new trading and pricing infrastructure for the international precious metals in order to both destroy London and New York's monopoly over global precious metals pricing and to stabilize the Russian gold market.
The basis of this new structure will be a new, specialized international precious metals brokerage headquartered in Moscow, which will rely on the MWS.
Russia is also proposing to fix prices of precious metals in the national currencies of key member countries or via a new monetary unit - such as the new BRICS currency proposed by Putin.
The price-fixing committee would include central banks and other large banks from the Eurasian Economic Union (EEU).
Member states of the EEU are Russia, Kazakhstan, Belarus, Kyrgyzstan, and Armenia.
The idea would be to make membership attractive to big gold players like China, India, Venezuela, Peru, and other South American countries.

Notable Resignations Worldwide Updated

There is no conspiracy-theory. This is a daily updated list of Notable Resignations Worldwide with accurate info.

No gold fringe on US flags, a State of Peace

President Trump with Polish President Duda speech June 24... no gold fringe on US flags, vs other speeches in the White House Rose Garden by himself.
What's the difference?
End Martial Rule, Declare a State of Peace.
The United States was a FOREIGN OWNED CORPORATION (United States Government-052714196 Dunn and Bradsheet Number) which is evidence by examine the DeJure Civil Flag Of Peace.
A Gold Fringe on Flag is a signal.,

What is a silver short squeeze?

The idea of a silver squeeze, in very basic terms, is this: The silver price - so the theory goes - has been artificially held down by people (hedge funds, institutions, etc.) who "short" silver. This means they are betting that the price of silver will fall.
To short, or short-sell means borrowing a share or commodity, and then selling it. If the price falls, I can buy it back at a lower price, return it to the lender, and pocket the difference. But if the price rises, I am forced to buy it back at a higher price, and I lose money.
If a lot of new investors rush to buy silver, raising the price, the short-sellers will be forced to buy it back at a much greater price. This ever-increasing upward pressure forces prices higher. It is more complex than that, but this is the bones of a silver squeeze.
This is a movement to help level the playing field between everyday people and the billionaires who control the big financial institutions that control the money, and thus control us. It is a movement to wake people up to what is been happening, and to help us, together, start to reclaim the power we have unwittingly allowed others to have over our lives. Big banks have made big fortunes by manipulating the silver market for decades. Although many have tried, and some have come close, no one has been strong enough to completely break their stranglehold. Until now.
The silver market is the Achilles heel of the old system, and its time has come.

Debts forgiveness and peace at the Russia-Africa summit

Vladimir Putin hosted the Russia-Africa summit in St. Petersburg from July 27 to 28.
Putin: The total amount of debt of the African countries written off by Russia amounts to $23 billion dollars with another $90 million to be allocated for the same purposes.
Vladimir Putin, the president of Russia, also stated on Friday that Moscow is closely analyzing suggestions made by several African leaders to put an end to the conflict in Ukraine.

Executive Order on Ordering the Selected Reserve of the Armed Forces to Active Duty

The Secretary of Defense is directed to order to active duty for not more than 365 consecutive days, any units, and any individual members not assigned to a unit organized to serve as a unit, of the Selected Reserve under the jurisdiction of the Secretary of Defense, not to exceed 200 Selected Reservists at any one time, as he considers necessary.

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