Surrender deal reached? No more false flags » News » Surrender deal reached? No more false flags
News Date: September 21, 2021Why the September 18th rally, planned for months, did not turn into a false flag event against Patriots?
In war, SURRENDER means: to give (oneself) up into the power of another especially as a prisoner; to capitulate.
Capitulate means: to stop fighting an enemy or opponent; to admit that an enemy or opponent has won; to surrender.
Chapter XII - Non-Hostile Relations Between Belligerents
Section 12.8 CAPITULATIONS - Negotiated Instruments of Surrender
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Governments resign worldwide. Fall of Empire
Amid OBAMAGATE is unleashed, governments worldwide are stepping down as their politics wobbles.Angela Merkel stepped down and a messy race to succeed the chancellor after the upcoming election this September.
Dutch government resigns over child benefits scandal.
Estonia prime minister Juri Ratas resigns, Kaja Kallas asked to form the government.
Italy government in crisis as Renzi ministers resign.
Kuwait cabinet members resign amid a dispute with Parliament.
Updates soon. Stay Tuned.
Donald Trump expands tax relief proposals
Donald Trump expanded his tax reform proposals collection by announcing a New Policy on social media:'Seniors should not pay tax on social security!'
Aligning with NESARA Section 5, this policy includes provisions to enhance benefits for senior citizens, ensuring they receive more support.
This policy aims to create a more competitive tax system, boost economic activity, and provide targeted relief and support to various sectors, including seniors.
State of the Union speech delayed to March
On the 20th January, Biden was scheduled to make his first State of the Union speech.The speech has been delayed due to the current explosion of infections in the US, causing a breakdown in basic functions and services.
So, Joe Biden will give his first State of the Union address to Congress on March 1, the White House said.
Donald Trump vows big tax cuts again
Donald Trump promised big tax cuts for all Americans if elected president, while discussing a range of economic strategies during a large rally held in New Jersey on May 11th."Instead of a Biden tax hike, I'll give you a Trump middle class, lower class, business class, big tax cut. You're gonna have the biggest tax cut.", he stated.