
Cryptocurrencies backed by gold and shares » News » Cryptocurrencies backed by gold and shares

News Date: June 12, 2020

Unlike most other cryptocurrencies, YEM is backed by gold and also by 100 000 shares of SafeZone, Inc
Official website:
Gold-backed cryptocurrency is a type of crypto stablecoin where each token is backed with physical gold. With the token price pegged to the gold price, there is less price volatility compared to Bitcoin or other altcoins.
A guide to gold-backed cryptocurrency:
Also, Beijing announces a digital currency backed by gold:

Russia plans a digital golden ruble

Russia may allow gold-backed stablecoins under government control according to lawmakers.
The statement comes after Bank of Russia proposed a wide-ranging ban on the use of cryptocurrencies, and their trading and mining.
According to a report by the Central Bank of Russia, the nation's central bank gold holdings surpassed its dollar reserves for the first time in its history, with gold making up 23% of total reserves as of the end of June and dollar assets dropping to 22%.

Judy Shelton for Fed board, return to the gold standard

Senate banking panel to resume considering Judy Shelton for Fed board.
The nomination of Shelton appeared in jeopardy earlier this year as Republicans and Democrats on the banking panel expressed concerns over her views on the independence of the Fed from the White House, as well as her advocacy in the past for returning the United States to the gold standard.

Countries Repatriating their Gold

In recent years we have seen the likes of Germany, Austria, Belgium, Venezuela, and the Netherlands each repatriate their gold from various locations.
Hungarian National Bank is set to repatriate 100,000 ounces of gold from England.
The pace does appear to have been picking up since Venezuela decided to repatriate its 180 tonnes of gold in 2011.
Also Inspired by Polish example, Slovakia considers repatriating gold from the UK.
Serbia, later on, joined Slovakia in this Sudden Eastern European Gold Repatriation trend.
Countries across the globe are trying to shake off their dependence on the dollar by buying up yellow metal.
Countries around the world are looking for precious metal to cure their dollar dependence.
The main switches are China and Russia. But Eastern Europe is now joining in for its own reasons like many.

Dutch Central Bank Preparing for the Gold Standard

Update from November 18, 2023:
The Dutch Central Bank (DNB) disclosed in a recent interview that it has modified its gold reserves to bring them into line with those of other nations within and outside the eurozone.
Motivated by political factors, this policy seeks to maintain strength and balance in reserves in relation to GDP.
Additionally, DNB proposed that during a financial crisis, an increase in the price of gold might make it possible to utilize official gold reserves as a stabilizing mechanism to uphold or create a new gold standard.
News from November 3, 2022:
Dutch Central Bank discussing Gold Revaluation
The DUTCH government openly discussed canceling debt by revaluation of the Gold price.
The Governor of the Dutch Central Bank stated the gold revaluation account ensures the solvency of his central bank in an interview on television about prospective losses.
Sources: gainesvillecoins

Crypto-Currency Act of 2020

US Lawmaker Introduces Crypto-Currency Act of 2020 While Under Coronavirus Quarantine.
The bill clarifies which federal agencies regulate which type of crypto assets. It's crucial that America remains the global leader in cryptocurrency, the lawmaker said.

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