
Triangular spacecraft patent » News » Triangular spacecraft patent

News Date: July 24, 2020

A spacecraft having a triangular hull with vertical electrostatic line charges on each corner that produce a horizontal electric field parallel to the sides of the hull. This field, interacting with a plane wave emitted by antennas on the side of the hull, generates a force per volume combining both lift and propulsion.

The history of NESARA

On 9 March 2000 the National Economic Security and Reformation Act was passed in a secret joint session of Congress with the walls of the House Chambers lined with Navy Seals and Delta Force.
On October 10, 2000 at gunpoint and surrounded by Special Forces, President Bill Clinton, signed the NESARA bill into law, knowing full well that the Illuminati were in charge, and that this law was never to be enforced. No one wanted to enforce NESARA because this law required the physical and permanent removal from their government positions of all those who had committed treason, which included the US President, VP, Presidential Cabinet, all members of Congress, various government departmental heads, all fifty governors of the fifty states, judges and others.
At 10 am on September 11, 2001 NESARA was to be implemented. However, computers and data of the beneficiaries of the trillions of dollars in "Prosperity Funds" were destroyed on the second floor of one of the World Trade Center towers in New York City during the 9/11 attack. Bush orchestrated the September 11th attacks and the Iraq War as a distraction from NESARA.
To hide NESARA from public view and, thus, to prevent its enforcement by popular demand, the United States Supreme Court placed a gag order on all public officials, the United States military, law enforcement personnel, bankers, attorneys, judges, the media and anyone else, who knew about NESARA and, who might give information about NESARA to the public.
Gradually news of NESARA began to be leaked to the public. A plan was formed to forever delay the enforcement of NESARA. NESARA was embroiled in fictitious legal procedures and court orders by both the United States Supreme Court and the International Court of Justice. To discredit NESARA and spread misinformation a false website was set up by the SU Government under the direction of CIA/FBI personnel. Claims were made that there was no such law as NESARA, that it had no Congressional file number, no sponsors and was only a thought somewhere under consideration.
The public was told through the government that there never was such a bill, it was never acted upon, nor passed by Congress and that the president had never signed it.
Since October 10, 2000 we as a nation have been under our original Constitution of the Republic of the united States of America, but we have not realized it. We have also been under Common Law, but the courts have continued to destroy us with their military law.
Sources: youtube

Craft using an inertial mass reduction device Patent US10144532B2

Craft using an inertial mass reduction device comprises of an inner resonant cavity wall, an outer resonant cavity, and microwave emitters.
The electrically charged outer resonant cavity wall and the electrically insulated inner resonant cavity wall form a resonant cavity. The microwave emitters create high frequency electromagnetic waves throughout the resonant cavity causing the resonant cavity to vibrate in an accelerated mode and create a local polarized vacuum outside the outer resonant cavity wall.

SLD 45 & SpaceX Starlink launch

Congratulations to SpaceX, all the Guardians and Airmen of SLDelta45 that made the Starlink 4-3 launch possible this evening.
This launch kicks off what is sure to be a busy December, with 5 launches slated to close out the year.
Without the dedication from their teammates, this high ops tempo would not be possible!
Source: SpaceForceDoD

Zimbabwe interested in SWIFT alternatives

The Zimbabwean government would like to become a member of the BRICS economic bloc, the speaker of the ruling party ZANU-PF said on Wednesday.
"We made it clear that we would like to become a member of the BRICS," Christopher Mutsvangwa told Russia's RIA Novosti news agency.
The official added that his country is interested in developing alternatives to the Western-dominated SWIFT payment network.
In his view, BRICS could contribute to that.

Gold is real money, store of value, alternative to cash

Schiff: Because I think they are also underestimating just how much inflation global central banks are going to create - in particular the Federal Reserve - and how much value the US dollar is going to lose against other fiat currencies, but in particular against real money, which is gold.
I don't even look at gold bullion as an investment. I look at it as a store of value - as an alternative to cash.
I think gold is going to make a much bigger rise against these fiat currencies. But as an investment, I think investors should be at gold mining stocks. Fed is not winning a long-term game. They continue to print money, devalue the currency, and continue to essentially run the American currency into the ground.
Peter responded saying that just because blockchain technology has value doesn't mean bitcoin itself does.

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