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News Date: May 13, 2020

Once Anti-Bitcoin, JPMorgan Provides Banking Services to Crypto Exchanges Coinbase and Gemini.

SWISSINDO cult claims return of $6m gold share for each of 7.6 billion people

SWISSINDO cult pretends NESARA GESARA law is hidden for 20 years, your $6 million equal gold share of SWISSINDO is stolen for 10 yrs.
The law is applied to the equal share of gold under international law to honor humanity with prosperity.

Debt relief for middle-income countries

The President of the UN General Assembly advocates for debt relief for middle-income nations.
Csaba Korosi, president of the UN General Assembly, called for debt relief and fair access to new technology for middle-income nations on Thursday.
He stated at a high-level meeting of the General Assembly on middle-income countries that the 110 middle-income countries, which make up roughly one-third of the global GDP and three-quarters of the world's population, are the main forces behind global development.

New Dollar Backed by Gold Coming This October 2020?

The rumor, and big fear, is that the IMF may opt to remove the US from the global SDR basket, effectively reducing the US's veto rights from the world stage. SDRs would then be a step closer to replacing the greenback as the world's reserve currency.
With the IMF attempting to pull off a fiscal reckoning minus the US dollar, President Trump may pull off a global reckoning of his own, by issuing US Treasury Notes backed by gold.

Swiss Banks Launch Cryptocurrency Trading and Custody After Gaining Regulatory Approval

Switzerland's financial regulator, FINMA, has approved two Zurich-based banks to offer a range of cryptocurrency services, including trading and custody. Maerki Baumann Bank subsequently announced the launch of its trading platform for major cryptocurrencies while Incore Bank is offering a range of crypto services.

China testing digital yuan in four cities

The app is available for download in four cities selected for the initial trial: Shenzhen, Chengdu, Suzhou and Xiongan. She highlights the inclusion of Xiongan, a new metropolis located on the outskirts of Beijing

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