WH Petition to Release SWISSINDO, NESARA, GESARA Gold
Gesara.news » News » WH Petition to Release SWISSINDO, NESARA, GESARA Gold
News Date: October 16, 2020White House Petition: I Demand my $6m gold Payments, 1-11, for each of 7.6 billion people, under SWISSINDO, NESARA, GESARA International Laws
Created by N.C. on October 07, 2020
United States is violating all International laws, by trading illegally, outside Gold Mandate Laws of SWISSINDO, NESARA + GESARA, thereby causing Destruction, Impoverishment and Enslavement of Humanity, under US Corporate Dictatorships globally.
Gold Is the Most Stable Currency
If gold didn't retain its purchasing power, why would long-term investors and central banks store it in their vaults for decades? Hardly is gold used for industrial applications, so, again, why hold large stocks of gold if it would lose its value over time? The truth is that gold retains its value, and the stability of gold's purchasing power in the long-term is the main reason to own it.Sources:finance.yahoo.com
Taiwan's Currency Backed by Gold Reserves: Central Bank
A central bank official announced on Friday that Taiwan holds around 422 tonnes of gold in reserve, managed by the Central Bank of the Republic of China (Taiwan) to support the national currency.Of this, 410 tonnes are dedicated to backing the issuance of New Taiwan dollars, while a smaller portion is used every four years to mint commemorative coins for the inauguration of the president and vice president.
As of the first quarter of 2024, Taiwan ranks 12th globally in gold reserves.
Despite a significant increase in gold's value since its purchase in the 1970s, the central bank is not buying or selling its reserves.
Taiwan's unrealized gain from these reserves is nearly NT$900 billion due to gold's appreciation.
NESARA Dawn of the Golden Age
A video for all NESARA skeptics, A very long in-depth Explanation of NESARA, its history, and all the details you could need.Part 1 - Dawn of the Golden Age - Discuses how Saint Germain helped bring about the beginnings of an enlightened era that soon fell into darkness under the helms of the Illuminati and a corrupted masonic order.
Part 2 - The American Federal Empire. America was always meant to be always a shining beacon of freedom and prosperity to the world. But the machinations of British bankers and the Rothschild's soon destroyed all that was once good in this great land.
Part 3 - The Farmer Claim Program - Discuses how a class-action lawsuit brought about in the early 1990's lead to the creation of NESARA, the National Economic Security and Reformation Act which will ultimately tear apart the New World Order and bankers plans right out from under their feet.
Sources: www.youtube.com
Trump Tower famous escalator Currency Exchange
5 years ago, on June 16th, 2015, Donald Trump announced his candidacy for President of the United States Of America.He came down the famous escalator along with Melania at Trump Tower!
This is a day to remember!
Look behind!!!
Is this just a coincidence?
Currency Exchange?
Gold walls?
The Kraken is a Cray XT5 supercomputer to Break Petascale
The University of Tennessee supercomputer, Kraken, has broken a major barrier to become the worlds first academic supercomputer to enter the petascale, performing more than 1 thousand trillion operations per second, a landmark achievement.The Kraken Cray XT5 supercomputer at the National Institute for Computational Sciences (NICS) has been upgraded to become the first academic computer in the world to exceed one petaflop of calculation power.
Sources: news.utk.edu, news.softpedia.com