Petition at W.H. to help the Germans to free from Merkel » News » Petition at W.H. to help the Germans to free from Merkel
News Date: July 14, 2020Petition created at White House to help the German people to free themselves from Angela Merkel and her shadow government.
Created by B.H. on July 04, 2020.
Angela Merkel (born Aniela Dorota Kazmierczak, then "Germanized" in Angela Dorothea Kasner) has been the German Chancellor since 2005 and is presumably a DEEP STATE Puppet and is probably bought and manipulated by George Soros.
Digital Currency Backed by Gold Bill in Texas
November 22 update:Texas State Representative Mark Dorazio filed House Bill 1049 and House Bill 1056 on November 12, to create gold and silver-backed transactional currencies.
Original news:
Texas Lawmakers Introduce Bills to Create Digital Currency Backed by Gold.
The comptroller shall establish a digital currency that is backed by gold so that each unit of the digital currency issued represents a particular fraction of a troy ounce of gold held in trust as provided by this chapter.
Quantum-Language saved the world in 1999
How Russell Jay Gould & David Winn Miller saved our world in 1999.QUANTUM-LANGUAGE-PARSE-SYNTAX-GRAMMAR which was created by them to free the world rewriting the masonic books, the constitution, and other state documents in 18 days of government vacancy.
QFS The Quantum Financial System
Quantum computers can make parallel computations and calculate so much faster than their classical counterpoints that this problem is child play for them.They can figure out in seconds or minutes what most classical computers could never do.
Could the Quantum Financial System have been activated?
The concept is simple, but the system has become increasingly complicated over time.
As quantum finance gets better at predicting different outcomes given different variables, algorithms can make better trades given individual investors preferences.
Quantum finance can tell people with stock options when the best time to exercise them is. It can assess risk by better calculating probabilities, making arbitrage more profitable.
Little is it known that this new system has been designed in preparation for the takeover of the Central Bank Monetary Debt System to end the financial slavery and control over the populace.
The QFS is expected to operate on Quantum Benevolent Intelligence with interaction on any financial transaction anywhere in the financial world. As a guarantee that every transaction; is legal and transparent for every account holder.
Truth is, the QFS has been running in parallel with the Central Banking System for some time and has countered many hacking attempts to steal funds.
Dollar standard rejected in the era of gold
Peter Schiff said he thinks we are about to see a gold bull market rivaling the 1970s because the world is going to reject the dollar standard and go back to a gold standard.Ray Dalio:Within the next five years you could see a situation in which foreigners who have been lending money to the United States wont want to, and the dollar would not be as readily accepted for making purchases in the world as it is now.,
Quantum computing to crack cryptocurrency in 8 years
Ripple CTO David Schwartz says quantum computing poses a serious threat to the future of cryptocurrency.Schwartz says he thinks developers have at least eight years until the technology, which leverages the properties of quantum physics to perform fast calculations, becomes sophisticated enough to crack cryptocurrency.