
Fed testing FooWire blockchain with Hyperledger » News » Fed testing FooWire blockchain with Hyperledger

News Date: August 15, 2020

Federal Reserve detailed FooWire distributed ledger experiment designed to test whether the technology is suited for payments application.
The team built the system using Hyperledger Fabric, a popular DLT platform, because it generally met the team's design requirements of a closed network, mature technology, and enterprise readiness. The experiment highlighted the potential of DLT for certain payment uses, the quick speed with which a system could be implemented, the potential simplicity of smart contracts, and the range of functionality offered by such platforms. It further highlighted the need for more experimentation to better understand the possibilities for wide-scale adoption and use of any DLT platform for payments.

Israel signs security memorandum with Bahrain

Israel and Bahrain signed a historic memorandum on security cooperation.
Abraham Accords still paying dividends More countries should join!
This is Israel's second memorandum with an Arab nation.
Thanks to President Donald Trump for this initiative.

International banking alliance using Ripple

National Australia Bank (NAB) has signed agreements with two leading global financial institutions:
- Israel's Bank Leumi;
- The Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce (CIBC);
- to form an international banking innovation alliance.
It is partnering with the alliance using Ripple's blockchain network technology.
NAB is one of Australia's major 4 banks and forms an international bank innovation network.

We are Headed to a Global Financial Reset

Pull your money out of The Banks, As we are headed for a Global Financial Reset.
The federal reserve is nothing but a loan shark for the deficit spending government.
It's the government's fault for all this monetary mess, not the bankers.
They're just profiting from the control of money creation and all assets traded in the stock, bond, and commodity markets.
Get out of the casino and get into silver hoarding or use your dollars to buy real hard assets like farmland , real estate and gold.
It's the only safe plan in preparation for the coming dollar collapse.
Expect a trigger event in the coming months for a global re-set.
Deutsche Bank is rumored to be already declared bankrupt.
The banks don't trust each other or are out for themselves like JP Morgan, or are failing like Deutsche Bank.

Welcome to Blockchain, Federal Reserve!

Once Anti-Bitcoin, JPMorgan Provides Banking Services to Crypto Exchanges Coinbase and Gemini.

BRICS Launches BRICS Pay System

BRICS has unveiled BRICS Pay, a new payment platform developed over the past few years.
This system is designed to boost trade and financial transactions within the bloc, emphasizing the use of national currencies over the US dollar.
BRICS Pay aims to streamline cross-border transactions, reduce exposure to currency exchange risks, and enhance the financial independence and stability of its member countries, marking a significant step in challenging the dollar's dominance on the global stage.

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