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News Date: May 3, 2020

Over 24 hours the CEOs of Disney, MasterCard & Salesforce Resigned.
Over Past Month, CEOs of Hulu, LinkedIn, Uber Eats, MGM, IBM, etc. resigned.
Over the past year, 1300+ Global CEOs resigned.
Market Crash? Child Rink bust? Rapture?

Drain the path for NESARA. Notable Chairs on fire

President Trump is draining the path for Justice and Greatness? Recent Terminations / Resignations:
Christopher Krebs director of CISA - Cybersecurity and Infrastructure in DHS - U.S. Department of Homeland Security. He refuted his claims that the election was rigged;
Jay Clayton Chairman of SEC - U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission. He was occasionally criticized as being too soft on Wall Street;
Mark Esper Secretary of Defense was terminated by President Trump;
Richard Pilger Director of U.S. Department of Justice...
An administration official said the directors of the FBI and the CIA could be next.

Australian PM plans tax cuts

Prime Minister Anthony Albanese has announced plans to introduce legislation next week, promising tax cuts for every Australian taxpayer.
He emphasizes the urgency of passing the legislation promptly to facilitate a smooth transition for both employers and the tax office.
"This is legislation which will give every taxpayer a tax cut and it should receive the support of every parliamentarian," he told ABC's Insiders on Sunday.

Student debt relief announcement

The Biden administration is canceling up to $20,000 in student debt for Pell Grant recipients, up to $10,000 for individual borrowers who make under $125,000 per year, and extending the pause on repayments by four months, the White House announced on Wednesday.

Zimbabwe to back its currency with gold

Update: The IMF urged Zimbabwe to expedite currency reforms during a recent staff visit, emphasizing a move towards a market-driven exchange rate and the removal of existing distortions.
Zimbabwe's Finance Minister announced new measures to stabilize its local currency in an online press briefing held Monday.
Zimbabwe to back its currency with hard assets such as gold to end exchange-rate instability, Finance Minister Mthuli Ncube said.
"The idea going forward is to make sure that we manage the growth of liquidity which has a high correlation to money supply growth and inflation.
The way to do that is to link the exchange rate to some hard asset such as gold," said Ncube.
He also announced a conference of African ministers that Zimbabwe will host at the end of this month.

Audit the Fed bill reintroduced

U.S. Senator Rand Paul (R-KY) has reintroduced the Federal Reserve Transparency Act, also known as the "Audit the Fed" bill, aiming to prevent the Federal Reserve from withholding vital information on its operations from Congress.
Paul contends that the inner workings of the Federal Reserve are currently obscure and largely unknown, and he believes that increased transparency is crucial for better understanding and oversight.
The legislation underscores the importance of making the Federal Reserve more accountable to Congress and the public, ensuring that its decision-making processes and financial transactions are subject to thorough scrutiny.
"No institution holds more power over the future of the American economy and the value of our savings than the Federal Reserve. It's long past time for Congress to stop shirking its duty and hold the Federal Reserve accountable.
The Fed's persistent cycle of money printing and lending without any form of meaningful oversight may be the cause of many of our economic hardships, such as the struggle of many Americans to afford food."
he stated.

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