
The Kraken is a Cray XT5 supercomputer to Break Petascale » News » The Kraken is a Cray XT5 supercomputer to Break Petascale

News Date: November 22, 2020

The University of Tennessee supercomputer, Kraken, has broken a major barrier to become the worlds first academic supercomputer to enter the petascale, performing more than 1 thousand trillion operations per second, a landmark achievement.
The Kraken Cray XT5 supercomputer at the National Institute for Computational Sciences (NICS) has been upgraded to become the first academic computer in the world to exceed one petaflop of calculation power.

BRICS tested Hack-proof quantum communication link

China and Russia collaborated on a groundbreaking test for a hack-proof quantum communication link using the Mozi satellite.
This achievement, based on quantum mechanics principles, promises secure data transmission.
A quantum researcher emphasized its crucial role in technological leadership, stating that without quantum technology, success may be unattainable.
This test marks a significant leap in secure information exchange, crucial for BRICS countries and global security.

FED Audit. HR24 - Federal Reserve Transparency Act

U.S. Representative Thomas Massie vows to reintroduce HR24 to audit the FED along with 40 original cosponsors, as soon as he is sworn in.
The FEDs have never ever been audited. Now that the Feds are under the control of the Treasury, this could easily happen!
If this audit does happen this will be such a huge step leading to the GCR/ Gold Standard!

Economic security is national security

President Donald Trump: We Cannot Have National Security Without Economic Security.
A Nation that does not protect prosperity at home cannot protect its interests abroad.
Under the banner of "economic security is national security," the Trump administration's corporate tax cuts now spur investment and catalyze innovation.

Gold To Return As Reserve Currency

The global monetary system as you know it is already falling out from beneath your feet.
Smart investors should already be pouring money back into silver and gold before global monetary system collapse.
But now, experts like Peter Schiff, chief executive officer of Euro Pacific Capital, are betting on gold to topple the dollar’s long reign and establish itself as the new de facto reserve currency.

EO to Lower Drug Costs and Ensure Life-saving Medications

The first order directs federally qualified health centers to pass along massive discounts on insulin and epinephrine from drug companies to low-income Americans.
The second order will allow the safe, legal importation of prescription drugs from Canada and other countries where the price for identical drugs is lower.
The third order will prohibit secret deals between drug manufacturers and pharmacy "benefit manager" middlemen, ensuring patients directly benefit from available discounts at the pharmacy counter.
The fourth order ensures the United States pays the lowest price available among economically advanced countries for Medicare Part B drugs. The United States often pays 80 percent more for these drugs than other developed nations.

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