
Principles of BRICS expansion » News » Principles of BRICS expansion

News Date: August 12, 2022

Russian Foreign Ministry: BRICS countries discuss principles of alliance expansion.
Ivan Nechayev, deputy director of the information and press department of the Russian Foreign Ministry, said at a briefing on Thursday, August 11, that the establishment of criteria for the accession of new BRICS members is already underway.
Iran and Argentina applied to join the BRICS, and later it became known that Turkey, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Nigeria, and Algeria would also like to become part of the alliance.
In addition, Cuba's ambassador expressed the need for economic cooperation with the BRICS.

Trump: Things are happening that I cant talk about

HUGE breakthrough in Trumps 17 minute remarks Announcing the Normalization of Relations Between Israel and the United Arab Emirates, exactly at min 3:17:
Trump: Things are happening that I can't talk about, but they're extremely positive...,

Cryptocurrencies backed by gold and shares

Unlike most other cryptocurrencies, YEM is backed by gold and also by 100 000 shares of SafeZone, Inc
Official website:
Gold-backed cryptocurrency is a type of crypto stablecoin where each token is backed with physical gold. With the token price pegged to the gold price, there is less price volatility compared to Bitcoin or other altcoins.
A guide to gold-backed cryptocurrency:
Also, Beijing announces a digital currency backed by gold:

Fintech and XRP Support in US GOV Register New Rule

The Remittance Transfers Under the Electronic Fund Transfer Act final rule is effective July 21, 2020.
The continued growth of "fintech" nonbank remittance transfer providers and their further expansion into partnerships and other relationships with banks and credit unions, which allow such entities to tap into the closed network payment systems that nonbank remittance transfer providers have developed and (3) the continued growth and expanding partnerships of virtual currency companies, such as Ripple, which offer both a payments messaging platform to support cross-border money transfers as well as a virtual currency, XRP, which can be used to effect settlement of those transfers.
The Bureau also believes that expanded adoption of SWIFT's gpi product or Ripple's suite of products could similarly allow banks and credit unions to know the exact final amount that recipients of remittance transfers will receive before they are sent.

PayPal, Venmo to Roll Out Crypto Buying and Selling

Fintech giant PayPal plans to roll out direct sales of cryptocurrency to its 325 million users, according to three people familiar with the matter.
Currently, PayPal can be used as an alternative means for withdrawing funds from exchanges such as Coinbase, but this would be a first in terms of offering direct sales of crypto.

Russia, China switch to national currencies

Russia and China switch to settlements in national currencies for energy supplies.
Russia, China switch to national currencies in payments for gas, says a senior official.
Russia, China also actively switching to national currencies for payments of oil supplies, and products, says the deputy prime minister.

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