
Chinese, Russian payment systems consultations » News » Chinese, Russian payment systems consultations

News Date: May 5, 2022

Chinese and Russian central banks to discuss the use of national payment systems.
The Chinese and Russian central banks will discuss the use and promotion of their respective national payment systems in both countries, Beijing's envoy to Moscow told the TASS news agency in an interview published on Thursday.
Russian banks may issue cards with China as Visa, and Mastercard cut links.
The use of the Mir and China UnionPay national payment systems in both countries will be decided by the two sides' central banks at consultations.

Russia, China switch to national currencies

Russia and China switch to settlements in national currencies for energy supplies.
Russia, China switch to national currencies in payments for gas, says a senior official.
Russia, China also actively switching to national currencies for payments of oil supplies, and products, says the deputy prime minister.

Golden Christmas to You!

May the good times and treasures of the present become the golden memories of tomorrow. Wish you lots of love, joy, and happiness.
May you have the spirit of Christmas which is Peace, the gladness of Christmas which is Hope, and the Heart of Christmas which is Love.
Wish you a Merry Christmas and may this festival bring abundant joy and happiness in your life!
Best regards,:

Quantum Financial System QFS and the BlockChain

Old Fiat Currency is false money supported by the Central Bank, banking system of debt slavery.
QFS has no comparison to anything that has ever been presented to the world before. It is like an antigravity machine compared to a car. There is no real basis to understand this technology.
Now if we discuss about the Quantum Financial System and its interrelation with Blockchain and future banking then we came to know that QFS is dealing in blockchain, shared ledgers and distributed ledger technologies, cryptocurrencies, virtual currencies and digital currencies. QFS is stored and operate on the satellite-based servers based on Quantum Computing. The reason is Quantum Computing is more secure and advance, because of its pattern of processing, the quantum computing uses two or more quantum states together to create another state by firing electrons through semiconductors using configurable pulse of light which results fastest state of speed. That's why Quantum Computers store far more information requiring less energy and deliver more speed than current state computers.
Quantum Financial System is the future of the banks because it provides methods to perform everyday tasks better than a traditional computer. This technology will replace blockchain and cryptography within a period of ten years.,,

The financial system is changing right now

Russian minister says: we are working on digital One World One Currency for trade - local media.
Russian financial messaging system will be able to replace SWIFT - financial infrastructure will work smoothly - Russian Central Bank Chair.
Stocks booming in Chinese SWIFT alternative - CIPS.
The Cross-Border Interbank Payment System (CIPS) is a payment system that offers clearing and settlement services for its participants in cross-border RMB payments and trade.
It is a significant financial market infrastructure in China.
CIPS is sometimes referred to as the China Interbank Payment System.
Bank of Russia Resumes Gold Buying After Two Years on Sidelines.
Russia-Ukraine war is 'a financial war now': Deutsche Bank

Gold standard the final solution globally

Precious metals have been a safe haven all throughout human history, and that is especially true during highly inflationary times.
If we continue destroying the U.S. dollar at our current pace, toilet paper will eventually be more valuable than U.S. dollars.
Gold Could Offer a Way out of Switzerland Failing Inflationist Experiment.
Switzerland could break with the globally pervasive regulations which suppress the potential of gold to develop fully as a nonstate money. Swiss banks, already expert at servicing gold deposit accounts for their clients, would get permission to establish a clearinghouse in Zurich for settling transactions between themselves in the yellow metal (in, say, kilogram gold bars deliverable in Switzerland), thereby facilitating direct payments in gold by their clients for goods or assets without having to pass through the US dollar.
The World Gold Council announced, on Sunday, that the central banks possession of gold increased.
It is noteworthy that the World Gold Council, which is headquartered in the United Kingdom, has extensive experience and deep knowledge of the factors causing market change and its members consist of the largest and most advanced gold mining companies in the world.

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