
Danske Bank forgives debts for 90,000 customers » News » Danske Bank forgives debts for 90,000 customers

News Date: September 8, 2022

Danske Bank AS said that 90,000 Danish customers that owe the bank money will have their debt balance wiped clean after discovering errors in the bank's debt-collection systems.
The Copenhagen-based bank became aware of systemic errors in its debt-collection systems in 2019 and has been working to correct past mistakes and compensate affected customers, but as remediation has progressed new issues have emerged, extending the timeline for resolution potentially beyond 2024.

What is Section 230 which Trumps wants terminated?

Section 230 is a piece of Internet legislation, passed into law as part of the Communications Decency Act (CDA) of 1996 (a common name for Title V of the Telecommunications Act of 1996), formally codified as Section 230 of the Communications Act of 1934 at 47 U.S.C.§ 230.
Targeting fake news and the US presidential elections, Trump and others have attacked Section 230, saying it has given companies too much legal protection, allowing them to escape unscathed.

Supreme Court justice to serve the American people

Amy Coney Barrett said Saturday that, if confirmed as a United States Supreme Court justice, she would assume the role to serve the American people.
Judge Amy Coney Barrett: "I love the United States, and I love the United States Constitution.",

Starlink is awesome for RV

Elon Musk's recent comment on Twitter:
Starlink is awesome for RV's, camping or any activity away from cities...
RV stands for Recreational Vehicle.
RV also stands for the Revaluation of currencies.
Ironically, Donald Trump made RV hints in a Rose Garden news conference in 2020, revealing he wants to drive around town in an RV, back to New York, with the First Lady, cracking jokes after forgetting what an RV is.

Gold Rush to Dump U.S Debt

As the world continues down the road of extreme uncertainty, investors and foreign central banks continue to turn to the oldest form of money as a measure of providing some stability, gold.
So far, in 2020, central banks have added a net of 181 tons of gold to their reserves. Gold continues to retain its position of being the most reliable store of value and means of exchange in times of extreme uncertainty. This should explain why several central banks plan on continuing to increase their gold reserves in 2020.

US Jobs Data could Trouble the Market

Goldman: The Market's Reaction To The Jobs Report Means Brace For A Stubborn Grind Higher In September.
Unusually large U.S. jobs number stokes case for 'unusually large' rate hike.
Friday's 'Great' Jobs Number Could Spell Trouble For The Market.
'Great' US Jobs Data Make Case for Bigger Fed Rate Increases.
Bond markets complicate Fed decision after jobs report.
There is a probability of a 0.75% move in September, a noticeable change from the 0.50% move markets were pricing prior to Friday's jobs report.
Sources: substack,

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