
Cuba considers joining the BRICS » News » Cuba considers joining the BRICS

News Date: August 14, 2022

Cuba's Ambassador to Russia considers the possibility of joining the BRICS.
Julio Antonio Garmendia Pena, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Cuba to the Russian Federation, spoke about the possibility of joining BRICS.
'Cuba maintains trade relations with the countries of the association, stressing the importance of cooperation with Russia and China in various sectors of the economy. The trend towards expansion of the alliance offers the hope of achieving a multipolar world', the ambassador said.
Russia's Mir banking cards could start being used in Cuba by the end of the year, the ambassador said.

EO Imposing Sanctions in Foreign Interference in a US Election

Executive Order on Imposing Certain Sanctions in the Event of Foreign Interference in a United States Election:
Not later than 45 days after the conclusion of a United States election, the Director of National Intelligence, in consultation with the heads of any other appropriate executive departments and agencies (agencies), shall conduct an assessment of any information indicating that a foreign government, or any person acting as an agent of or on behalf of a foreign government, has acted with the intent or purpose of interfering in that election.

Turkey, warehouse and bridge for metals trade to Russia

Turkey offers a warehouse and bridge for metals trade to Russia.
Turkish metals sector to serve as 'warehouse and bridge,' the head of an industry group said, citing increased interest from Russian companies and also from EU companies seeking to sell to Russia via Turkey.
This comes after 5 of Turkey's banks adopted Russia's payment system and the country said it would look to ditch the dollar for Russian energy.

What Is Fiat Money?

Fiat money is a currency that is backed by nothing except the faith and credit of the government issuing it.
Basically every usable currency around the world today is a fiat currency.
The U.S. dollar has been fiat since 1971.
Fiat money is a currency that is declared money by decree-not by the marketplace.
Though some fiat currencies were once backed by commodities, they are now only backed by the legislative power of the government issuing them.

Birth certificates and Sight Drafts myth

When the United States went off the gold standard in 1933, the federal government somehow went bankrupt.
With the help of the Federal Reserve Bank, the government converted the bodies of its citizens into capital value, supposedly by trading the birth certificates of U.S. citizens on the open market.
After following a complicated process of filing UCC documents with either the Secretary of State of the persons residence or another state that will accept the filings, each citizen is entitled to redeem his or her "value" by filling out a sight draft drawn on their (nonexistent) TreasuryDirect account.
The scheme asserts that each citizens Social Security Number is also his or her account number.
As a part of the scheme, participants also file false IRS Forms 8300 and Currency Transaction Reports in the name of law enforcement officials and other individuals they seek to harass.
Drawing such drafts on the U.S. Treasury is fraudulent and a violation of federal law. The theory behind their use is bogus and incomprehensible. The Justice Department is vigorously prosecuting these crimes. Federal criminal convictions have occurred in several cases.

The largest package of tax cuts

President Donald Trump: We passed the largest package of tax cuts in American history, saving the average family of four over $5,000 a year.

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