
De-dollarization movement started » News » De-dollarization movement started

News Date: November 17, 2023

Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov has expressed confidence in the ongoing momentum toward the de-dollarization of the global economy, a movement supported by several nations.
Officials from Iran, Venezuela, and Ethiopia have shown a willingness to adopt Russia's Mir payment system without hesitation.
Moreover, these countries envision a seamless transition toward their de-dollarization objectives in the foreseeable future, as indicated by their respective officials.
'De-dollarization has begun, both in practice and in conceptual speeches', Lavrov stated during the latest assembly of Russia's Council on Foreign and Defense Policy think tank.

Executive Order related to NESARA

Executive Order on Establishing the Presidents Advisory 1776 Commission.
The American founding envisioned a political order in harmony with the design of the Laws of Nature and of Natures God, seeing the rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness as embodied in and sanctioned by natural law and its traditions.
This Executive Order was issued on 2nd Nov, the day before the election. Looks like Trump enacted NESARA 120 days from there, under the guise of an educational executive order.

Coin shortage hits retailers, laundromats, tooth fairy

The national coin shortage has been an unusual side effect of the pandemic. Among its victims? Retailers, laundromats and even the tooth fairy.
Retailers large and small have urged shoppers to use cards or exact change whenever possible.
As the shortage persists, it's become clear that there are still some conundrums that only coins can solve.

New financial order supported by South Africa

South Africa's president has endorsed China's proposal for a new global financial order.
Ramaphosa acknowledged that there had been huge developments in the geopolitical scene in response to a News24 inquiry on Saturday regarding China's desire for a new financial order.

Supreme Court could hit the tax system

The Supreme Court's decision to hear a pivotal tax case has profound implications for the future of the U.S. tax system.
At stake is the constitutionality of a proposed wealth tax, which could address economic disparities or dismantle key aspects of the existing tax framework.
A favorable ruling may promote social equity, while an adverse outcome could preserve individual economic freedom.
The case underscores the delicate balance between economic growth and fairness, making it a crucial moment in the nation's fiscal history with far-reaching implications.
The Supreme Court is expected to issue a decision by June 2024.

Trump vows 'transition to greatness' in meeting with GOP lawmakers

"We're going into transition," Trump said at the beginning of the meeting. "I call it transition to greatness. It's going to be a transition to greatness, because we're going to do something very fast and we're going to have a phenomenal year next year."

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