
Drain the path for NESARA. Notable Chairs on fire » News » Drain the path for NESARA. Notable Chairs on fire

News Date: November 18, 2020

President Trump is draining the path for Justice and Greatness? Recent Terminations / Resignations:
Christopher Krebs director of CISA - Cybersecurity and Infrastructure in DHS - U.S. Department of Homeland Security. He refuted his claims that the election was rigged;
Jay Clayton Chairman of SEC - U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission. He was occasionally criticized as being too soft on Wall Street;
Mark Esper Secretary of Defense was terminated by President Trump;
Richard Pilger Director of U.S. Department of Justice...
An administration official said the directors of the FBI and the CIA could be next.

Zimbabwe launched the gold-backed currency

Zimbabwe has decided to replace its struggling local currency with a new one backed by gold and foreign currencies in an effort to stabilize its economy and combat inflation.
The country reintroduced its own currency in 2019 after a period of dollarization, but it failed to gain public trust, with over 80% of transactions now conducted in foreign currency.
The new currency, named Zimbabwe Gold (ZiG), will circulate alongside other foreign currencies.
The exchange rate for ZiG will be determined by the closing interbank exchange rate on April 5 and the London PM Fix price of gold on April 4.
The Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe described the new currency as "structured," backed by a combination of foreign currency and precious metals, primarily gold, held as reserves by the central bank.
"If we implement these measures, we expect them to have an impact on inflation," central bank governor John Mushayavanhu told reporters.

Iran is interested in a unified currency with BRICS

Iran's Deputy Foreign Minister, Mahdi Safari, expressed interest on January 3 in creating a unified currency with BRICS nations, aiming to establish Tehran as a key banking center for the group.
Safari also praised the New Development Bank, established by BRICS in 2014, for its role in supporting joint projects and international cooperation among member states.
"We are interested in creating a unified currency in the BRICS group, and this could be very effective.
By using national currencies, the process of eliminating the use of the dollar in commercial exchanges begins, and we are interested in continuing this process," Safari stated in an interview with Sputnik.

The return to the golden age. The gold standard will rise again

The New $100 Bill Will Usher In A NEW Gold Standard
It seems like today's national leaders are gradually reaching a consensus about how the world's monetary system should be structured. They are getting ready to return to a gold standard system.

Trump: Things are happening that I cant talk about

HUGE breakthrough in Trumps 17 minute remarks Announcing the Normalization of Relations Between Israel and the United Arab Emirates, exactly at min 3:17:
Trump: Things are happening that I can't talk about, but they're extremely positive...,

God wins. It's going to be Biblical!

The most important message from POTUS!
Is this an announcement of The Great Awakening? Is this the Storm troops moving out?
His speech has so many GESARA hints and references.
It's going to be Biblical!
God wins. Always.
Don't be scared of the riots and looting.
Trump vows to mobilize federal resources in address to nation, makes surprise trip to church that caught fire.

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