
Economists Discuss Russia, China Developing Gold-Backed Currency » » Economists Discuss Russia, China Developing Gold-Backed Currency

Date: November 11, 2022

Economists Discuss Russia, China Potentially Developing Gold-Backed Currency That Could Undermine US Dollar.
Several experts have shared their views on Russia and China potentially creating a new gold-baked currency, Fox Business reported Saturday, emphasizing that China has been buying up huge quantities of gold.
Sources: news.bitcoin

Quantum vacuum free energy extraction patent

Free energy is everywhere, and all around you, just waiting to be extracted from the quantum vacuum.
Keeping free energy from the people at large has been the greatest crime against humanity ever committed. It is the theft of our personal freedom and potential, as well as our collective future, of perpetual peace and prosperity! There are only two things that can save (free) humanity at this point in history. The first, being God; the other, is free energy.
Quantum vacuum energy extraction and more Free Energy Patents Are Finally Being Issued.

Surrender deal reached? No more false flags

Why the September 18th rally, planned for months, did not turn into a false flag event against Patriots?
In war, SURRENDER means: to give (oneself) up into the power of another especially as a prisoner; to capitulate.
Capitulate means: to stop fighting an enemy or opponent; to admit that an enemy or opponent has won; to surrender.
Chapter XII - Non-Hostile Relations Between Belligerents
Section 12.8 CAPITULATIONS - Negotiated Instruments of Surrender

VISA & Currencycloud with Ripple on cross-border payments

Currencycloud to focus on new territories currently under-represented for SMEs, to make global movement of money more efficient.
Currencycloud, the global leader in providing embedded B2B cross-border payments for platforms of the future, announced a partnership with Ripple, the enterprise blockchain solution for global payments. RippleNet, Ripple's global financial payments network, makes it easy for its diverse network of financial institutions worldwide to enable faster, lower-cost payments around the world.
Visa partner Currencycloud is now working with Ripple to expand their business-to-business cross-border payments platform.,

US Patent for Quantum computing in business problems

Accenture Awarded US Patent for Combining Classical and Quantum Computing with Potential to Address Previously Unsolvable Business Problems.
Quantum computing has the potential to solve complex business problems millions of times faster than classical computing by leveraging the properties of quantum physics to process multiple computing tasks in parallel.
Accenture new patent - U.S. Patent No. 10,095,981 - reveals how businesses could take advantage of the best aspects of both classical and quantum computing techniques to enable breakthrough solutions to problems that could not be solved before.

Fed to print 9.5 trillion and buy all the gold in the world

To test the value of the printed money, I suggest that the Fed prints $9.5 trillion and buys all the gold in the world, including jewelry, of 170,000 tonnes at the current price of $55.6 million per tonne. If they don't understand what will happen, I can tell them. They would have real problems getting hold of 1 tone of physical gold at that price. By the time they buy the second tonne, the market will value the dollar at its intrinsic value of ZERO, and gold measured in worthless dollars will go to infinity.

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