
Introducing the new global financial system » News » Introducing the new global financial system

News Date: April 16, 2022

Answers provided by Sergey Glazyev, Russian Geoeconomics Tzar:
The world's new monetary system, underpinned by a digital currency, will be backed by a basket of new foreign currencies and natural resources.
And it will liberate the Global South from both western debt and IMF-induced austerity.
Transition to the new world economic order will likely be accompanied by systematic refusal to honor obligations in dollars, euro, pound, and yen.
In this respect, it will be no different from the example set by the countries issuing these currencies who thought it appropriate to steal foreign exchange reserves of Iraq, Iran, Venezuela, Afghanistan, and Russia to the tune of trillions of dollars.
Full article: Authored by Pepe Escobar via The Cradle

Prepaid Debit Cards, Digital Dollars To Each American

Unprecedented Monetary Overhaul: Cleveland Fed president Loretta Mester Hints Fed Is Preparing To Deposit Digital Dollars Directly To Each American.
If anyone has actually been paying attention. This was announced months ago. Trump debit cards on the way!
Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin shows the new prepaid debit card that will be sent to Americans receiving coronavirus relief.,

Principles of BRICS expansion

Russian Foreign Ministry: BRICS countries discuss principles of alliance expansion.
Ivan Nechayev, deputy director of the information and press department of the Russian Foreign Ministry, said at a briefing on Thursday, August 11, that the establishment of criteria for the accession of new BRICS members is already underway.
Iran and Argentina applied to join the BRICS, and later it became known that Turkey, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Nigeria, and Algeria would also like to become part of the alliance.
In addition, Cuba's ambassador expressed the need for economic cooperation with the BRICS.

Zimbabwe introduces new digital currency backed by gold

Zimbabwe to create new digital currency backed by gold.
As part of efforts to stabilize the local currency, the Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe (RBZ) is preparing to launch a digital currency backed by gold that will be accepted as legal tender for transactions in the nation.
The RBZ will take the first steps toward using the nation's gold reserves to anchor the Zimbabwe dollar with the introduction of the digital gold tokens, a kind of electronic money backed by gold stored at the RBZ.

BRICS Considers a global Stablecoin

BRICS nations are considering a stablecoin for international trade settlements.
Sergei Ryabkov, Russia's Deputy Foreign Minister, hails this move as groundbreaking.
He also states that BRICS is also exploring a platform for digital payments.
Ryabkov: "BRICS is moving forward, creating an important precedent."
Russia has also hinted at issuing a gold-backed stablecoin.
With member nations amassing gold reserves, the idea gains traction.

Putin urges for an international independent Digital Payment System

Vladimir Putin Urges for Creation of a Digital Payment System for International Settlements.
President of Russia Vladimir Putin has called for the establishment of a new system for international settlements, independent from banks and third-party interference.
It can be created using digital currency technologies and distributed ledgers, the Russian leader said, quoted by local media.
Sources: news.bitcoin

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