
The FED announces a new upgraded system » » The FED announces a new upgraded system

Date: October 12, 2022

The Federal Reserve Board announced that it will replace its current bank application filing system with a new and upgraded system later this month.
The substantive requirements of applications will remain the same with the new system making the filing process more intuitive and minimizing paper applications and communications.

Petition to Announce and Implement NESARA act passed under Obama administration

The petition to Announce and Implement the ACT - NESARA reached its goal of 5000 Signatures under Obama administration.
It was created by F.P. on September 28, 2011 and reached 6,623 signatures.

BRICS Considers a global Stablecoin

BRICS nations are considering a stablecoin for international trade settlements.
Sergei Ryabkov, Russia's Deputy Foreign Minister, hails this move as groundbreaking.
He also states that BRICS is also exploring a platform for digital payments.
Ryabkov: "BRICS is moving forward, creating an important precedent."
Russia has also hinted at issuing a gold-backed stablecoin.
With member nations amassing gold reserves, the idea gains traction.

Putin: Western banking system to end

Putin made some startling remarks addressing the VTB investment forum in Moscow on Thursday about the threat to the archaic financial system.
"The Western financial system is becoming outdated because of new technologies and could lose its dominant global position in the near future!
According to experts, in the coming years, this will lead to a revolution that will finally undermine the monopoly of large Western banks."
He also stated that these financial institutions are not in the best condition at this moment.

Trump: We will end the radicalism in Washington DC

Donald Trump Perry, Georgia Rally Speech September 25:
With all of you in Georgia and conservative patriots all across the nation, we will end their reign of radicalism in Washington DC forever.
With a Republican Congress, we will fight for more jobs for Georgia families, fair trade for Georgia workers, and more Georgia factories forging more products stamped with that beautiful phrase Made in the USA.
You do not hear that too much. And you know, they are starting to say very strongly Merry Christmas.
Remember when I first ran, I said, you are going to say Merry Christmas.
They are all saying Merry Christmas again.
Full Rally Speech Transcript:

Merry Christmas to our community!

Wishing you a Christmas filled with the warmth of love, the joy of togetherness, and the blessings of peace.
May this festive season bring laughter to your homes, happiness to your hearts, and a renewed sense of hope for the coming year.
Thank you for being part of our community. Your support means the world to us. Here's to celebrating the spirit of love, kindness, and generosity not just today, but throughout the year.
Merry Christmas and abundant blessings to you and your loved ones.

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