
NESARA/GESARA weekly round-up » News » NESARA/GESARA weekly round-up

News Date: October 24, 2020

Ms.Navelette of YouTube This and That Channel is doing an usual weekly round-up of what has taken place in the last 7 days with NESARA/GESARA.
The Video Content provides titles reported by our great website, plus other videos inspired by common sources.
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No gold fringe on US flags, a State of Peace

President Trump with Polish President Duda speech June 24... no gold fringe on US flags, vs other speeches in the White House Rose Garden by himself.
What's the difference?
End Martial Rule, Declare a State of Peace.
The United States was a FOREIGN OWNED CORPORATION (United States Government-052714196 Dunn and Bradsheet Number) which is evidence by examine the DeJure Civil Flag Of Peace.
A Gold Fringe on Flag is a signal.,

Ripple and SWIFT on one platform

IBIS announced that its customers will be able to connect to Ripple and SWIFT in their pockets, on one platform. In that sense, IBIS stated that its customers will have unlimited banking possibilities. SWIFFRoute customers will be able to process payments through RippleNet and an out of the box banking integration.

The FED announces a new upgraded system

The Federal Reserve Board announced that it will replace its current bank application filing system with a new and upgraded system later this month.
The substantive requirements of applications will remain the same with the new system making the filing process more intuitive and minimizing paper applications and communications.

10 Days to Remember. Our New Age

Solar Eclipse, Solstice, Great Conjunction & Mars Square Pluto - 10 Days to Remember - Dec 14/23.
This is going to be a very fast-paced and INTERESTING few weeks ahead of us! The Solar Eclipse is just one of the major events we have to look forward to.
Effectively Using the Eclipse, Solstice, and Saturn/Jupiter Conjunction to Recreate Human Society...
And this is what it must take for all of humanity, to be free. We cannot fight off the oppressors, nor can we plead with them to free us from our cells. We have to BE free, ACT free, for them to lose their power over us. We must OWN our sovereignty.

Global Peace, Security, and Prosperity Proposals at SCO

At the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) meeting, Chinese President Xi Jinping proposed several initiatives to strengthen regional cooperation:
Solidarity and Mutual Trust: Emphasizing the importance of unity within the SCO.
Peace and Tranquility: Advocating for collective security among all countries.
Prosperity and Development: Promoting regional collaboration through agricultural technology, local economic trade, and environmental innovation. Encouraging the use of China's Beidou Satellite Navigation System and participation in the International Lunar Research Station. Offering digital technology training.
Good-Neighborliness and Friendship: Hosting 1,000 young people from SCO countries in China over the next five years for exchange opportunities.
Fairness and Justice: Supporting a multipolar world and inclusive economic globalization. The SCO should contribute to addressing global deficits in peace, development, security, and governance.
President Xi emphasized that the SCO's success is due to its solidarity and cooperation, and China, as the next president, will continue to work with SCO partners to pursue common progress and a shared future for mankind.

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