
The return to the golden age. The gold standard will rise again » News » The return to the golden age. The gold standard will rise again

News Date: May 5, 2020

The New $100 Bill Will Usher In A NEW Gold Standard
It seems like today's national leaders are gradually reaching a consensus about how the world's monetary system should be structured. They are getting ready to return to a gold standard system.

New Defense Secretary on quick removal of US troops in Afghanistan

New acting Defense Secretary Christopher Miller has hired a senior adviser that has frequently pressed for the quick removal of U.S. troops in Afghanistan, the Defense Department confirmed on Wednesday.

XRP bombed. Could Ripple Replace SWIFT?

Cross-border payments network Ripple (XRP) has become part of the ISO 20022 Standards Body, its first member focused on distributed ledger technology (DLT).
Former SEC Chairman Jay Clayton dropped a legal airburst bomb on Ripple. A few short days before leaving the position, Clayton filed a lawsuit making claims that are at least, suspect because of timing.
What possible motivation could there be for shaking all retail investors out of XRP, and tanking its price? Perhaps it has to do with the actual function of Ripple. Ripple is a major contender for replacing the central banking SWIFT system for international transfers.
First Pretrial Conference for Ripple and SEC to Take Place on February 22.

Trump middle-class tax cuts benefit confirmed

Despite what media and Dems say, Trump's tax cuts benefited the Middle Class the most according to IRS data.
Most middle-income and working-class earners enjoyed a tax cut that was at least double the size of tax cuts received by households earning $1 million or more.
The Tax reform provided the greatest benefits for the middle-income class and spurred economic growth that helped reduce poverty and improve prosperity.

Central Banks lost control! Gold currency trust

Major central banks have totally lost control and the world economy is now floating around helplessly without direction.
Since sound money must be scarce, fiat money can never be sound since unlimited amounts can be and have been created. One of the very important features of gold is that it is scarce. The total global gold stock only increases by 1.7% or 3,000 tones per annum.
So scarcity is one of the important reasons why gold is the only currency that has survived in history.

Trump: We will end the radicalism in Washington DC

Donald Trump Perry, Georgia Rally Speech September 25:
With all of you in Georgia and conservative patriots all across the nation, we will end their reign of radicalism in Washington DC forever.
With a Republican Congress, we will fight for more jobs for Georgia families, fair trade for Georgia workers, and more Georgia factories forging more products stamped with that beautiful phrase Made in the USA.
You do not hear that too much. And you know, they are starting to say very strongly Merry Christmas.
Remember when I first ran, I said, you are going to say Merry Christmas.
They are all saying Merry Christmas again.
Full Rally Speech Transcript:

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