
God wins. It's going to be Biblical! » News » God wins. It's going to be Biblical!

News Date: June 3, 2020

The most important message from POTUS!
Is this an announcement of The Great Awakening? Is this the Storm troops moving out?
His speech has so many GESARA hints and references.
It's going to be Biblical!
God wins. Always.
Don't be scared of the riots and looting.
Trump vows to mobilize federal resources in address to nation, makes surprise trip to church that caught fire.

Giant Voice of America

Remember when Trump said we would have a Giant Voice in the future?
This is the post that got Trump booted: The 75,000,000 great American Patriots who voted for me, AMERICA FIRST, and MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN, will have a GIANT VOICE long into the future. They will not be disrespected or treated unfairly in any way, shape or form!
Voice of America, a news outlet now controlled by his loyalists, will now be their communication channel.
Secretary of State Mike Pompeo delivered remarks on Monday at Voice of America headquarters in Washington DC.
Secretary of State Pompeo slammed the anti-democratic tech giants in the US and the Chinese Communist Party.

National coin shortage

US is experiencing a national coin shortage in several states as an excuse to COVID-19 pandemic.
Also, The Federal Reserve ordered 34 major US banks to suspend share buybacks in the third quarter and limit dividend payments to shareholders.

The largest-ever BRICS summit

In October 2024, Russia will host the largest-ever BRICS summit in Kazan, as announced by President Vladimir Putin.
The choice of Kazan underscores Russia's commitment to fostering collaboration among the BRICS nations.
Events will also be held in the well-established BRICS+ format, Putin stated.
The summit aims to address global issues, strengthen diplomatic ties, and explore enhanced cooperation, adding a unique cultural and historical dimension to the proceedings.

Lebanon Cancels Central Bank Debts, Which is next?

Lebanon Recovery Plan Includes Central Bank Debt Write-Off, Haircuts to Depositors.
The government foresees canceling a large part of the central bank's foreign currency obligations to commercial banks.
The plan includes several measures that are prerequisites to unlock funds from a preliminary deal with the IMF agreed in April.

Best Stimulus Package

Trump Promises Best Stimulus Package You Have Ever Seen, After Election. Trumps announcement put his stamp of approval on a new timetable that came to the fore earlier in the day after Senators left Washington, D.C., for a pre-election break.

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