
Gold's role in the Global Monetary Reset » News » Gold's role in the Global Monetary Reset

News Date: August 13, 2022

Gold will play a big role in the coming global 'monetary reset'.
A global monetary reset is inevitable, as fiat currencies are being debased due to excessive money printing.
The U.S. dollar will be dethroned as the dominant global reserve currency by currencies backed by a basket of commodities including gold, according to Maxime Bernier, Founder and Leader of The People's Party of Canada.
An International reserve currency based on a basket of currencies is under consideration, Russian President Vladimir Putin said on June 22 at the BRICS Business Forum.

The IRS owned America, including the people

The below documents are a lien against America: all land, all real estate and each and every American.
This lien claims a debt value of $14.3 quadrillion; that's 14,300 trillion dollars.
A lien means that until the debt is paid, the IRS owns America, including the people.
Actually, the IRS is just the holder in due course for the BANK OF INTERNATIONAL SETTLEMENTS(BIS) which is located in Basel, Switzerland.
As the holder in due course, the IRS retains the right to enforce the claim and debt collection.
This UCC financing Statement names the "First Debtor" as The Federal Reserve System.
The U.S. Department of Defense is listed as the debtor's exact legal name.
The North American Water and Power Alliance is shown as the "Assignor".

Gold & Silver Will Be Unstoppable

The escape from failing fiat will lead to rising nominal interest rates, with all the consequences which that entails. The inevitable outcome is a flight to commodities, including gold and silver, despite rising interest rates for fiat money.
The gold standard of the nineteenth century and is easily explained: within a confined money total such as that of monetary gold, an increase in the quantity of goods and services taking place can only be accommodated by a decline in the general level of prices. Put another way, the purchasing power of sound money, a money whose quantity is not inflated, always rises over time.

Google Gesara interest over times

Google Trends Explores what the world is searching over times.
It provides access to a largely unfiltered sample of actual search requests made to Google. It's anonymized, categorized and aggregated. This allows us to display interest in a particular topic from around the globe or down to city-level geography.
For example entering the keyword "gesara" in the Explore bar, it results an ascending curve:

China will forgive 23 loans for 17 African nations

China has pledged to forgive 23 interest-free loans for 17 African countries and will also provide food assistance to the struggling nations, China's foreign minister Wang Yi said at the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation.
Mr. Wang also announced to increase imports from Africa, support the greater development of Africa's agricultural and manufacturing sectors, and expand cooperation in emerging industries.

EO on the National Quantum Initiative Advisory Committee

Donald Trump signed an Executive Order on Establishing the National Quantum Initiative Advisory Committee at White House, August 30, 2019.
Quantum Information Science (QIS) is an emerging field with the potential to cause revolutionary advances in fields of science and engineering involving computation, communication, precision measurement, and fundamental quantum science.,

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