
Gold has the historic value » News » Gold has the historic value

News Date: October 14, 2021

Russia holds world's fifth-largest gold & foreign currency reserves.
Russia has reached a historic record in international reserves, ranking fifth in the world after China, Japan, Switzerland, and India, the Accounts Chamber said after an audit of the country's gold and foreign exchange holdings.
Gold proves its intrinsic value over time, as a hoard of Roman gold coins recovered from the seabed.
The horde was identified after two amateur free divers discovered coins in the bay of Portitxol in Xabia.

Best Stimulus Package

Trump Promises Best Stimulus Package You Have Ever Seen, After Election. Trumps announcement put his stamp of approval on a new timetable that came to the fore earlier in the day after Senators left Washington, D.C., for a pre-election break.

World Bank President:China needs to participate in debt relief

World Bank President David Malpass said that the Chinese government and its creditors need to participate in coordinated efforts to provide debt relief to the world's poorest countries, as China has become a major creditor to the developing countries of the world.

US Space Force the Guardians of QFS?

The new name for military space professionals, announced on Friday by Vice President Mike Pence, may appear to be a play on the Marvel superhero film Guardians of the Galaxy. But Space Force officials said it was a callback to a 1983 motto.
Vice President Mike Pence announces that uniformed members of the U.S. Space Force will be called Guardians. There you have it: Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen, Marines and Guardians.
What is the enemy right there in the space? We have not been attacked by aliens. Maybe QFS satellites need more protection.

Arca first SEC regulated fund Ethereum based

Asset management firm Arca has announced the first-ever products regulated under current SEC standards(U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission), adhering to the strictest investor protection laws globally.
Financial institutions could potentially use these digital assets for a wide range of use cases, including payments, lending, clearing and settlement, trading and treasury management.
Arca Labs, chose the Ethereum blockchain, one of the largest public blockchains, launching so-called digital securities ArCoin, which uses the ERC-1404 protocol.

Delaware Supreme Court finds vote by mail, same-day registration unconstitutional

The Delaware Supreme Court on Friday struck down recent vote-by-mail and same-day voter registration legislation, overturning a signature achievement by Gov. John Carney and Democrat lawmakers.
Sources: yahoo

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