
Gold standard announcement » News » Gold standard announcement

News Date: June 26, 2020

Gold is the standard, but silver linings are pretty great too.
A Wed. 24 June afternoon Trump tweet "Gold is the Standard" was an announcement of the new Gold Standard through the GCR/RV final roll-out underway right now.

EO to Lower Drug Costs and Ensure Life-saving Medications

The first order directs federally qualified health centers to pass along massive discounts on insulin and epinephrine from drug companies to low-income Americans.
The second order will allow the safe, legal importation of prescription drugs from Canada and other countries where the price for identical drugs is lower.
The third order will prohibit secret deals between drug manufacturers and pharmacy "benefit manager" middlemen, ensuring patients directly benefit from available discounts at the pharmacy counter.
The fourth order ensures the United States pays the lowest price available among economically advanced countries for Medicare Part B drugs. The United States often pays 80 percent more for these drugs than other developed nations.

Introducing the new global financial system

Answers provided by Sergey Glazyev, Russian Geoeconomics Tzar:
The world's new monetary system, underpinned by a digital currency, will be backed by a basket of new foreign currencies and natural resources.
And it will liberate the Global South from both western debt and IMF-induced austerity.
Transition to the new world economic order will likely be accompanied by systematic refusal to honor obligations in dollars, euro, pound, and yen.
In this respect, it will be no different from the example set by the countries issuing these currencies who thought it appropriate to steal foreign exchange reserves of Iraq, Iran, Venezuela, Afghanistan, and Russia to the tune of trillions of dollars.
Full article: Authored by Pepe Escobar via The Cradle

Egypt to trade in local currencies with BRICS

Egypt will abandon the US dollar, establishing trade with BRICS countries in local currencies. Egypt has announced that they are ditching the US dollar in their trade with China, Russia, and India.
"Nothing of the sort has been implemented but there are discussions so that we can trade in local currencies of countries like India, Russia or China," Egyptian Supply Minister Ali Moselhy told Reuters.
Last year, Egypt formally applied to join BRICS and the SCO.

Silver Dollar Coin Anniversary Act signed into law

On January 5, 2021, Donald Trump signed into law H.R. 6192, the "1921 Silver Dollar Coin Anniversary Act," which requires the Department of the Treasury to mint and issue coins in honor of the 100th anniversary of the completion of coinage of the Morgan dollar and the 100th anniversary of the commencement of coinage of the Peace dollar.
The Act does not call out any mintage limits, only that the coin is authorized to be sold in 2021 and that the coins will have the exact same designs of the 1921 Morgan and 1921 Peace dollar coins.
$1 Silver Coins. The Secretary of the Treasury shall mint and issue $1 coins, each of which shall:
(1) weigh 26.73 grams;
(2) have a diameter of 1.500 inches;
(3) contain not less than 90 percent silver;
(4) have a reeded edge.

White House lit in Gold. Think 50 Year Anniversary

The White House was lit in Gold on October 8 night.
From 1946 to 1971, nations operated under a new monetary system: the Bretton Woods Agreement.
On August 15, 1971, Nixon removed gold as the backing to the U.S. dollar.
After Nixon left the Bretton Woods system, gold went from $35 an ounce in 1971 to over $1800 today.

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