
A Dying Fiat System and Precious Metals » News » A Dying Fiat System and Precious Metals

News Date: February 2, 2022

With the Fed set to hike rates and kill QE, markets are in turmoil. The Fiat money System is dying.
Some bank analysts are forecasting seven hikes this year.
Gold is of course the world's ultimate asset.
The US mint sells five million silver eagle coins in January.
Silver is biding its time before taking off to the higher ground.

BRICS Common Currency report

The planned BRICS cross-border currency is an important step in challenging the dominance of the U.S. dollar, according to Zhou Yu, director of international finance Research at the Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences, revealed a recent report from China's Global Times.
Zhou states that the recent moves to support local currency settlement have given the BRICS countries a competitive advantage in reducing the dominance of the dollar in international trade.
Iran, Argentina, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, and Egypt are among the potential countries to join and adopt the BRICS currency in 2023.

SpaceX Developing Military Version Of Starlink Satellites

Elon Musk's SpaceX is expanding its Starlink satellite technology into military applications with a new business line called Starshield.
"While Starlink is designed for consumer and commercial use, Starshield is designed for government use," the company wrote on its website.
SpaceX's ongoing work with the Department of Defense and other partners demonstrates our ability to provide in-space and on-ground capability at scale.
Sources: theepochtimes

Discussions on Turkey's entry into BRICS

Kremlin allowed Putin and Erdogan to discuss Turkey's entry into BRICS.
Press Secretary of the President of the Russian Federation Dmitry Peskov admitted that today in Sochi, during a meeting between Vladimir Putin and Recep Taypiy Erdogan, the topic of Turkey's entry into the BRICS may be raised.
'As for the BRICS, it cannot be ruled out,' Peskov said.
Russian President Vladimir Putin at a meeting with his Turkish counterpart expressed the hope that it would be possible to sign a memorandum on the development of trade and economic ties.
Recep Tayyip Erdogan told Putin that they have to open a new page in matters of cooperation.
Putin and Erdogan discussed gas supplies to Turkey, and agreed on partial payment for gas in rubles

Welcome to quantum computing era FED

Fed Announces It Will Quit Printing Paper Money. The Federal Reserve will not be printing new paper currency (they have already ceased making coins).
PayPal is leaping into the cryptocurrency market, Starting in the next few weeks, users in the US can buy and sell bitcoin and several other digital currencies on the platform.
Quantum computers will be orders of magnitude more powerful than anything we have today. Scientists predict that the emerging era of quantum computing could lead to great breakthroughs.,,

Central bankers are losing the war on gold

The central bankers, Wall Street - the usual suspects - they are losing this war on gold as they have done in the 1960s, Middelkoop told the Keiser Report.
The year the author was referring to is when the London Gold Pool existed. The group was comprised of several central banks, which dumped their gold reserves to keep bullion price at $35 per troy ounce. Middelkoop says that now we can see the second London Gold Pool is failing.

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