
Government shutdown averted through December » News » Government shutdown averted through December

News Date: September 30, 2021

Shutdown averted: Senate passes continuing resolution to keep US government open through December.
The US Senate approved a stopgap funding bill Thursday in a rare show of cross-party unity to avert a crippling government shutdown and keep the lights on for another two months.

Egypt to trade in local currencies with BRICS

Egypt will abandon the US dollar, establishing trade with BRICS countries in local currencies. Egypt has announced that they are ditching the US dollar in their trade with China, Russia, and India.
"Nothing of the sort has been implemented but there are discussions so that we can trade in local currencies of countries like India, Russia or China," Egyptian Supply Minister Ali Moselhy told Reuters.
Last year, Egypt formally applied to join BRICS and the SCO.

Executive Order on Ordering the Selected Reserve of the Armed Forces to Active Duty

The Secretary of Defense is directed to order to active duty for not more than 365 consecutive days, any units, and any individual members not assigned to a unit organized to serve as a unit, of the Selected Reserve under the jurisdiction of the Secretary of Defense, not to exceed 200 Selected Reservists at any one time, as he considers necessary.

Saudi Arabia wants to join BRICS

South African president says Saudi Arabia wants to join BRICS.
Cyril Ramaphosa revealed this during his two-day state visit to the kingdom on Sunday.
The BRICS nations are going to be meeting in a summit next year under the chairship of South Africa.
And the matter is going to be under consideration.

Ramaswamy supports Trump and commodity-backed currency

Billionaire entrepreneur Vivek Ramaswamy claims BRICS is developing a gold-backed currency to replace the U.S. dollar as the world's primary reserve currency.
"This is a major problem for the United States.
This would permanently increase our borrowing cost if the dollar is no longer the established reserve currency of the world.
So yes, actually, that does matter. The right way to deal with it, though, is not to try to swat that down, but increase the value proposition of the dollar itself by pegging the dollar to hard commodities," he stated in a press conference.
Vivek Ramaswamy dropped out of the presidential race and endorsed Donald Trump. Known for supporting currencies backed by commodities, his alliance with Trump suggests a shared vision for economic stability and challenges to traditional fiat systems.

MOEX to launch Ruble priced gold July

Head of the exchange's derivatives market Maria Patrikeyeva stated that The Moscow Exchange is planning to start trading in perpetual gold futures.
Patrikeyeva: "We launched settled quarterly gold futures, and in the near future, in July, we will launch new perpetual gold futures,".
This statement was made at the press lunch "Options Market on the Moscow Exchange: New Opportunities."
On June 28, the Moscow Exchange started trading settled gold futures contracts denominated in Russian rubles.
The GLDRUB_TOM instrument from the exchange's precious metals market serves as the underlying asset.
A lot is 1 gram, while a tick's size and value are both 0.1 rubles.
On the day the contract is settled, the strike price is the RUGOLD index price as determined by the Moscow Exchange based on transactions involving the underlying asset in the precious metals market.

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