
ISO20022, QFS, Crypto brand new tutorial » News » ISO20022, QFS, Crypto brand new tutorial

News Date: January 19, 2022

ISO20022? is a worldwide industry standard that has been bought in to regulate the interchange of electronic data between financial institutions.
It improves the compatibility across technology platforms and this isn't just with the high street bank or your country's bank, this includes digital/cryptocurrencies as well.
ISO networks: XRP/Flare Network, XDC/XinFin Network, XLM Stellar Network.
QFS is not cryptocurrency - it is 'asset-backed' digital currency.
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FED Audit. HR24 - Federal Reserve Transparency Act

U.S. Representative Thomas Massie vows to reintroduce HR24 to audit the FED along with 40 original cosponsors, as soon as he is sworn in.
The FEDs have never ever been audited. Now that the Feds are under the control of the Treasury, this could easily happen!
If this audit does happen this will be such a huge step leading to the GCR/ Gold Standard!

Trump disappointed in blocking benefits

Very disappointed in Chuck Schumer for blocking the temporary extension of the $600 unemployment benefits. The Do Nothing Democrats are more interested in playing politics than in helping our deserving people. DRAIN THE SWAMP ON NOVEMBER 3RD!

US House Passes Anti-CBDC Bill

The US House of Representatives passed the CBDC Anti-Surveillance State Act, which aims to ban the Federal Reserve from creating a Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC).
The bill, passed with a vote of 216 to 192, saw support from 213 Republicans.
It prevents any pilot programs for a CBDC before they are proposed and restricts the Federal Reserve and the Department of Treasury from issuing a CBDC without Congressional approval.
Additionally, the bill ensures that the Fed cannot issue a retail digital currency that could be used for citizen surveillance.
Majority Whip Emmer emphasized that the bill is a response to the current administration's lack of clarity and guidance on digital assets, arguing that an improperly managed CBDC could significantly impact American lives.

China increased Russian gold import

Russian Gold Rerouted to China Amid Western Ban.
China imported $108.8 million worth of Russian gold in July - a 750% increase from June and a 4,800% increase from the same month last year.
China may be just one of several important new destinations for Russian gold in Asia and the Middle East.

Central banks are buying gold

Central banks are buying gold to protect against the threat of a sovereign debt crisis.
Last week the World Gold Council noted that central banks bought 59 tonnes of gold in June.
For the first half of this year, central banks purchased 270 tonnes of gold.
The WGC noted that central banks bought 180 tonnes of gold in the second quarter.

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