
Judy Shelton Restoring Order to the Global Currency System » News » Judy Shelton Restoring Order to the Global Currency System

News Date: July 21, 2020

President Donald J. Trump Announced Intent to Nominate Individuals to Key Administration Posts,
Judy Shelton of Virginia, to be a Member of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System for the remainder of a 14-year term expiring January 31, 2024.
She is author of:
The Coming Soviet Crash: Gorbachev's Desperate Pursuit of Credit in Western Financial Markets.
Money Meltdown: Restoring Order to the Global Currency System.
Judy Shelton interview on gold standard:
"I like the idea of a gold backed currency, it could even be done in a Cryptocurrency sort of way.
A unified money system, so when you talk about the international marketplace, everyone is playing on a level monetary playing field.
I don't see it so much as returning [to the gold standard], more like 'back to the future.' I think that what a gold standard stands for is monetary discipline for its own sake. Money is supposed to be a unit of account, a reliable measure and a dependable store of value. It really shouldn't be subject to who's the chairman of the Federal Reserve.
How can a dozen [...] people meeting eight times a year, decide what the cost of capital should be versus some kind of organically, market supply determined rate? The Fed is not omniscient. They don't know what the right rate should be. How could anyone? [...] If the success of capitalism depends on someone being smart enough to know what the rate should be on everything we're doomed. We might as well resurrect Gosplan.
A linked system could allow currency convertibility by individuals (as under a gold standard) or foreign central banks (as under Bretton Woods). Either way, it could redress inflationary pressures.

Zimbabwe is engaged to clear IFI debt

Zimbabwe is engaging with the World Bank and International Monetary Fund on how to clear its debts with international financial institutions, finance minister Mthuli Ncube said at an IMF press conference on Saturday.
Sources: reuters

Jupiter and Uranus, very rare align in conjunction

On April 20th of 2024, and in the days surrounding, Jupiter and Uranus will very rarely align in conjunction at 21 Taurus, a degree that governs national economies.
Symbolically speaking, Jupiter and Uranus together in this degree can represent a global collective of national economies along with an event or series of events that greatly benefits them all with strong revolutionary, collaborative and humanitarian themes being connected.

FED takeover hinted by the US Debt Clock

Very interesting US Debt Clock Secret Window on November 14:
This secret window has the quotes of Thomas Edison and next The Federal Reserve System seal saying Federal 'Usury' System.
We also see the 1922 20$ Gold Certificate (and physical coins) which would be valued at about 314$ today.
But the most important suggestion: at the base of the concealed window on the Usdebtclock, rests a dial adorned with a luminous green light, positioned precisely amidst the Federal Reserve System seal and the US Treasury 1776 seal.
This seemingly symbolic arrangement signifies a transition or progression from one system to another, hinting at the shift or movement from the jurisdiction or operations of the Federal Reserve System towards those governed by the US Treasury.

Trump plans troops global pullback

President Donald Trump may withdraw nearly all U.S. troops from Somalia as part of a global pullback that includes reductions of forces in Afghanistan and Iraq, U.S. officials said.
The officials, who spoke on condition of anonymity, said nothing had been finalized and that no orders for Somalia have been received by the U.S. military. But there appeared to be a growing expectation that drawdown orders would be coming soon.
Acting Defense Secretary Chris Miller issued a memo to the entire Defense Department that hinted of a coming U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan.

What is Sound Money? Monetary reset

A somewhat polemical term for a currency backed by a tangible commodity such as gold, silver or platinum. Sound money has an intrinsic value, but is more susceptible to deflation than fiat money. Many countries used sound money throughout most of their histories; however, most countries today use fiat money and have since the United States left the Bretton Woods System in the 1970s. The term "sound money" is often used by those who favor its reintroduction. The more common term is hard money.
Given the current fiat money system is on a path towards its own destruction it is not surprising that there has been increasing talk of a monetary reset.,

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