
Happy New Year and New World! » News » Happy New Year and New World!

News Date: December 31, 2020

2020 has been an unpredictable ride through the pandemic, and many more difficulties that had made living life quite hard for people across the globe. But as we near the end of this year, we all should accept the fact that with every passing year, one should leave behind the bad memories and mistakes. So now, as we embrace the upcoming year, 2021, let us all be positive and cheery with shining spirits and aspirations for the future. We should vow to not let the negative times affect us in looking forward to the future and working hard to achieve our dreams and ambitions. So, let us all embrace the new year with much-needed hopes and happiness.
I recorded a video with our 2020 retrospective. Best Regards!

SWIFT plans new service, Digital EURO on the horizon

SWIFT announced plans for a new service to help banks improve the experience for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and consumers who send low-value payments across borders. The service will enable these bank customers to make faster, easier, predictable and competitively priced payments all around the world.
The European Central Bank (ECB) announced that it will start conducting experiments to decide whether to launch a digital euro. In a report setting out the pros and cons of launching a digital euro, the ECB said that it could support the Eurosystems objectives by providing citizens with a safe form of money in the fast-changing digital world.,

Space Force Supra Coders

The first 15 Supra Coders are already empowering the Space Force to be a lean and agile service by making improvements to processes, and developing new software for Guardians across the Space Force.
Supra Coders fix space software problems on the fly.
A new Supra Coder program within Space Operations Command deltas, Space Force's tactical-level units, provides software coding training for space operator Guardians so they can fix software issues quickly without having to wait for contractors or software experts.

Zimbabwe launched the gold-backed currency

Zimbabwe has decided to replace its struggling local currency with a new one backed by gold and foreign currencies in an effort to stabilize its economy and combat inflation.
The country reintroduced its own currency in 2019 after a period of dollarization, but it failed to gain public trust, with over 80% of transactions now conducted in foreign currency.
The new currency, named Zimbabwe Gold (ZiG), will circulate alongside other foreign currencies.
The exchange rate for ZiG will be determined by the closing interbank exchange rate on April 5 and the London PM Fix price of gold on April 4.
The Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe described the new currency as "structured," backed by a combination of foreign currency and precious metals, primarily gold, held as reserves by the central bank.
"If we implement these measures, we expect them to have an impact on inflation," central bank governor John Mushayavanhu told reporters.

The financial system is changing right now

Russian minister says: we are working on digital One World One Currency for trade - local media.
Russian financial messaging system will be able to replace SWIFT - financial infrastructure will work smoothly - Russian Central Bank Chair.
Stocks booming in Chinese SWIFT alternative - CIPS.
The Cross-Border Interbank Payment System (CIPS) is a payment system that offers clearing and settlement services for its participants in cross-border RMB payments and trade.
It is a significant financial market infrastructure in China.
CIPS is sometimes referred to as the China Interbank Payment System.
Bank of Russia Resumes Gold Buying After Two Years on Sidelines.
Russia-Ukraine war is 'a financial war now': Deutsche Bank

Developing the BRICS currency

BRICS Group Works On A New Form Of Currency, looking At Basing Financial Reserves On A Basket Of Their Own Currencies.
State Duma Deputy Chairman Alexander Babakov said Thursday the BRICS alliance is actively engaged in developing its own currency and is set to present its proposals at the upcoming summit in August.
Putin suggested a new global reserve currency backed by hard assets and BRICS countries accumulated a great amount of gold.

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