
Judy Shelton is Right About the Gold Standard » News » Judy Shelton is Right About the Gold Standard

News Date: August 9, 2020

Economist Peter Schiff expected that gold will resume its role in the global monetary system, that is, the countries of the world will return to the gold standard, and this is not strange in light of the economic crisis the world is witnessing.
It is simply false to claim that the gold standard was a source of perpetual economic chaos, and that we are better off today without it. All things considered, the gold standard is "superior in some respects and no worse in others." Rather than a "barbarous relic," as John Maynard Keynes famously called it, the gold standard is an instrument for economic harmony and civilized commercial relations.,

BRICS to achieve a safer and more harmonious world - Putin

At the BRICS parliamentary forum held in St Petersburg, Russian President Vladimir Putin emphasized the pivotal role of BRICS nations in fostering a safer and more harmonious global environment.
In his address on Thursday, Putin highlighted the collaborative potential of BRICS to contribute significantly towards global peace and stability.
He underscored the importance of mutual cooperation and collective efforts among BRICS countries to tackle global challenges, promote economic development, and ensure a balanced world order.
"We will be able to achieve the maximum implementation of the economic, investment, technological, and human potential of our countries, and strengthen the constructive influence of BRICS on global processes," he said.

Satellites transferred to Space Force by October

While the Democrats in Congress are Trying to Abolish the Space Force, The chief of Space Operations announced the transfer of Army and Navy satellite communications billets, funding, and mission responsibility to the U.S. Space Force.
At the beginning of October, some of the satellite communications responsibilities of the US Army and US Navy will officially transfer to the hands of Space Force DoD.
The move puts basically all of the DODs narrowband, wideband, and protected SATCOM under control of the U.S. Space Force.
Now all of that training, operations, acquisition, and sustainment and follow-on activities, user allocations - all of that, will be consolidated under the Space Force to create that unity of effort, and hopefully gain the ability to be more resilient, more dynamic, and ultimately more efficient with that mission set.

The end of monarchy

Queen Elizabeth II has been told that the writing is on the wall for the monarchy and that all members of the Royal Family should renounce their titles.
Barbados plans to remove the Queen as head of state without a referendum.
Canada could follow Barbados in ditching the Queen as their head of state and become a republic.,

Gold rush. Welcome to the era of gold!

Gold, silver coin demand surging, straining U.S. Mint capacity.
The US Mint is limiting the distribution of its gold, silver, and platinum coins to specific dealers because of heavy demand, and a limited number of suppliers of metals.
Unprecedented silver demand forcing bullion deals to stop taking orders before the market opens.
After creating massive short-squeezes in stocks like Gamestop, Blackberry, and AMC, retail investors mobilized over social media started to focus on the silver market.

Egypt to trade in local currencies with BRICS

Egypt will abandon the US dollar, establishing trade with BRICS countries in local currencies. Egypt has announced that they are ditching the US dollar in their trade with China, Russia, and India.
"Nothing of the sort has been implemented but there are discussions so that we can trade in local currencies of countries like India, Russia or China," Egyptian Supply Minister Ali Moselhy told Reuters.
Last year, Egypt formally applied to join BRICS and the SCO.

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