
Why is gold valuable? » News » Why is gold valuable?

News Date: August 20, 2020

Gold is abundant enough to create coins but rare enough so that not everyone can produce them. Gold doesn't corrode, providing a sustainable store of value, and humans are physically and emotionally drawn to it. Societies and economies have placed value on gold, thus perpetuating its worth.
Gold cannot be destroyed by Water, Time, Fire.
Gold doesn't need Feeding, Fertilizer, Maintenance.
Gold is Malleable, Ductile, Beautiful, Rare.,

Quantum computing development

Researchers hope to create large-scale quantum computers within a decade.
Researchers at Japan Riken Center for Emergent Matter Science have achieved a major step forward in increasing the scalability of quantum computers.
Instead of simply incrementing the total qubits in a system, the researchers have demonstrated a triple-qubit, silicon-based quantum computing mechanism.
Another huge quantum computing breakthrough: New 100-qubit processor is built with atoms cooled down near to absolute zero.
By cooling atoms down to near absolute zero and then controlling them with lasers, a company has successfully created a 100-qubit quantum processor that compares to the systems developed by leading quantum players to date.

Gold To Return As Reserve Currency

The global monetary system as you know it is already falling out from beneath your feet.
Smart investors should already be pouring money back into silver and gold before global monetary system collapse.
But now, experts like Peter Schiff, chief executive officer of Euro Pacific Capital, are betting on gold to topple the dollar’s long reign and establish itself as the new de facto reserve currency.

Trump plans troops global pullback

President Donald Trump may withdraw nearly all U.S. troops from Somalia as part of a global pullback that includes reductions of forces in Afghanistan and Iraq, U.S. officials said.
The officials, who spoke on condition of anonymity, said nothing had been finalized and that no orders for Somalia have been received by the U.S. military. But there appeared to be a growing expectation that drawdown orders would be coming soon.
Acting Defense Secretary Chris Miller issued a memo to the entire Defense Department that hinted of a coming U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan.

Loan relief for U.S. farmers has begun

U.S. farmers receive nearly $800 mln in loan relief from agriculture agency.
USDA provides nearly $800 million in loan relief, more aid to come.
More than 13,000 financially distressed U.S. farmers and ranchers with qualifying loans have received nearly $800 million in assistance.
Sources: reuters

Putin: Western banking system to end

Putin made some startling remarks addressing the VTB investment forum in Moscow on Thursday about the threat to the archaic financial system.
"The Western financial system is becoming outdated because of new technologies and could lose its dominant global position in the near future!
According to experts, in the coming years, this will lead to a revolution that will finally undermine the monopoly of large Western banks."
He also stated that these financial institutions are not in the best condition at this moment.

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