
Kennedy half dollar and golden decoration at WH Xmas » News » Kennedy half dollar and golden decoration at WH Xmas

News Date: December 3, 2020

The beginning of FLOTUSs Christmas video starts with the Seal of the President of the United States. It is used in various ways including on the Kennedy half dollar.
The Phoenix on the Melania Trump Xmas tree ornament is the same as the Kennedy half dollar, which was in circulation from 1964 just after his death until 2002 just after 911 !!! He died exposing the deep-state military-industrial complex who also did 911!
FLOTUS: During this special time of the year, I am delighted to share America the Beautiful and pay tribute to the majesty of our great Nation. Together, we celebrate this land we are all proud to call home.
This may suggest the return to gold/silver standard as a Christmas gift, also paying tribute to those heroes who fought for NESARA.

Antiwar Measures From NDAA

The House version of the 2020 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) set aside an irresponsibly large amount of money for military spending, but it also added some antiwar amendments and other very basic limitations. The House and Senate versions have now been reconciled into a final bill, and materially all of the limitations that the House voted on and approved.

Gold rush. Welcome to the era of gold!

Gold, silver coin demand surging, straining U.S. Mint capacity.
The US Mint is limiting the distribution of its gold, silver, and platinum coins to specific dealers because of heavy demand, and a limited number of suppliers of metals.
Unprecedented silver demand forcing bullion deals to stop taking orders before the market opens.
After creating massive short-squeezes in stocks like Gamestop, Blackberry, and AMC, retail investors mobilized over social media started to focus on the silver market.

Saudi Arabia joins SCO

Riyadh joins Shanghai Cooperation Organization as ties with Beijing grow.
Saudi Arabia's cabinet approved on Wednesday a decision to join the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, as Riyadh builds a long-term partnership with China despite U.S. security concerns.

The Quantum Revolution

How Quantum Computing Will Transform Life:
Quantum computing remains a nascent technology, but its potential is already being felt across many sectors.
From healthcare to finance to artificial intelligence, we look at the industries poised to be reshaped by quantum computers.
Quantum computers could help improve by parsing through data more quickly, running better forecasting models, and more accurate weighing conflicting possibilities.
They could also help solve complex optimization problems related to tasks like portfolio risk optimization and fraud detection.

The Birth of a New Currency by Ron Paul

Ron Paul was the leading champion of sound money in all his years while in the United States Congress. Here he explains why sound money has meant the gold standard. Paul maps out a plan to bring about a dollar that would be protected against manipulation by government and central bankers. This monograph first appeared in 1981, and it has been in wide distribution ever since.

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