
Saudi Arabia Open to Talks on Trade in Currencies Besides Dollar

Date: January 17, 2023 Category: News

Saudi Arabia, the world's largest crude oil exporter, is open to discussing oil trade settlements in currencies other than the U.S. dollar, Saudi Minister of Finance, Mohammed Al-Jadaan, told Bloomber...

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Iran, Russia planing the token of the Persian Gulf backed by gold

Date: January 16, 2023 Category: News

Iran and Russia want to issue a new stablecoin backed by gold.
The potential stablecoin aims to enable cross-border transactions instead of fiat currencies like the U.S. dollar, the Russian ruble...

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The new Petro-Gold-Yuan system

Date: January 9, 2023 Category:

Gold will be instrumental in China's plan to create an international oil/renminbi market.
Gold will be a crucial factor for China as the nation looks to strengthen the yuan's international credib...

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The Central Bank of China Extends Gold Buying

Date: January 7, 2023 Category:

China Extends Gold Buying With Fresh Flows to Central Bank.
The People's Bank of China raised its holdings by 30 tons in December, according to data on its website on Saturday.
This follows ...

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Former FED chairman: gold is currency

Date: January 4, 2023 Category:

Alan Greenspan served five terms as chairman of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System.
Greenspan once said: I view gold as the primary global currency.
It is the only currenc...

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