
CBI resumes sale of gold coins and bars » News » CBI resumes sale of gold coins and bars

News Date: November 7, 2023

The Central Bank of Iraq has announced its decision to resume the sale of bullion and gold coins through an electronic platform, starting immediately.
Government and private banks can now participate in buying these assets through the dedicated electronic platform, subject to the Central Bank's guidelines and controls.
This move is set to modernize and streamline the precious metals market in Iraq, making it more accessible and transparent for all parties involved.

What Is Fiat Money?

Fiat money is a currency that is backed by nothing except the faith and credit of the government issuing it.
Basically every usable currency around the world today is a fiat currency.
The U.S. dollar has been fiat since 1971.
Fiat money is a currency that is declared money by decree-not by the marketplace.
Though some fiat currencies were once backed by commodities, they are now only backed by the legislative power of the government issuing them.

Operation Starfall. New Internet?

H.R.5123 - American Freedom and Internet Access Act of 2021
Introduced 08/27/2021
Not later than 45 days after the date of the enactment of this Act, the Secretary of the Air Force,
in consultation with the Chief of Space Operations, shall develop and begin implementation of "Operation Starfall",
a strategic plan to deploy stratospheric balloons, aerostats, or satellite technology capable of rapidly delivering
wireless internet anywhere on the planet from the stratosphere or higher.

Iran and Egypt signed a memorandum to join SCO

The Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) is an intergovernmental organization founded in Shanghai on 15 June 2001.
After 21 years, the organization has become not only a strong pillar of global peace and development but also a major force for international equity and justice.
The SCO currently comprises eight Member States (China, India, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Russia, Pakistan, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan), four Observer States interested in acceding to full membership (Afghanistan, Belarus, Iran, and Mongolia) and six 'Dialogue Partners' (Azerbaijan, Armenia, Cambodia, Nepal, Sri Lanka and Turkiye).
Egypt and the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) on Wednesday signed a memorandum of understanding on Egypt's accession to the organization as a dialogue partner ahead of the summit of heads of state and government of the organization's member states scheduled to be held in Samarkand, Uzbekistan, on 16 September.
Also, Iran has signed a Memorandum of Obligations to become a permanent member of the SCO, the Iranian foreign minister said.
Sources: dailynewsegypt , azertag

The last bastion. President Xi Purges Chinas deep state

President Xi is launching his own war against Chinas deep state by launching a full-blown purge of the state security apparatus.
The ultimate goal of the campaign is simple: create police, prosecutors and judges who are absolutely loyal, absolutely pure and absolutely reliable.

Debt relief for middle-income countries

The President of the UN General Assembly advocates for debt relief for middle-income nations.
Csaba Korosi, president of the UN General Assembly, called for debt relief and fair access to new technology for middle-income nations on Thursday.
He stated at a high-level meeting of the General Assembly on middle-income countries that the 110 middle-income countries, which make up roughly one-third of the global GDP and three-quarters of the world's population, are the main forces behind global development.

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