
BRICS Currency is imminent » News » BRICS Currency is imminent

News Date: November 1, 2023

Sergey Glazyev, a great Russian economist and politician, foresees the imminence of the planned BRICS common currency.
"The emergence of a new settlement currency is inevitable because the current international monetary situation is irrational," the Russian economist stated.
Not only that the international monetary situation is irrational, but also the fact that the political and military chaos generated sanctions and forced the eastern states to de-dollarize.

Precious Metals as Money Moving Forward

Sound Money Bills Moving Forward Rapidly in Many States.
First, as to repealing precious metals sales taxes, bills in Mississippi and Kentucky are moving forward quickly.
Other full sales tax repeal bills are pending in Maine, Wisconsin, and Vermont - while Minnesota and Alaska are considering an expansion of their existing sales tax exemptions.
Efforts are underway in Iowa, South Carolina, Kansas, and Missouri to remove the state income taxes on the sale of gold and silver.
Meanwhile, several states are considering bills that prompt the establishment of a gold reserve.

Russia, China, and India to put in place Nesara and Gesara

Are you ready mentally for Nesara & Gesara ~It has Started ~. This video, explains the current happenings of the Q movement and nesara and gesara that show how both are combined together in order for all of it to coexist. The 3 major pillars in the way are the following 1. Federal Reserve 2. The British Royal Family 3. The Vatican. I explain how all 3 of the major pillars have already been taken apart piece by piece, also how America, Russia, China, and India are the 4 major players trying to put in place Nesara and Gesara.

Russia plans a digital golden ruble

Russia may allow gold-backed stablecoins under government control according to lawmakers.
The statement comes after Bank of Russia proposed a wide-ranging ban on the use of cryptocurrencies, and their trading and mining.
According to a report by the Central Bank of Russia, the nation's central bank gold holdings surpassed its dollar reserves for the first time in its history, with gold making up 23% of total reserves as of the end of June and dollar assets dropping to 22%.

Millions back to UK taxpayer

Graham Smith, the CEO of Republic, told that the Queen and Prince of Wales are two of the most expensive members of the Royal Family. Republic is an organisation that campaigns for the abolishment of the monarchy and for Queen Elizabeth II to be replaced by an independent, democratic Head of State.
Queen and Charles ordered to pay back millions to UK taxpayer amid fury over monarchy cost.

The cyber-war for GESARA

Cyber-attacks were expected for the next two months as the Alliance continued to dismantle financial systems and bring in the Global Currency Reset.
State of Emergency has been declared in at least 17 states in US. This is a direct message from Q to get ready. It is a military operation.
The financial system is based on fraud. Set up to steal from us. It takes the money we work hard to earn and gives it to a tiny group of individuals. With the infinite supply of money, we have allowed them to buy influence.
The good guys who are with us are applying pressure on this financial system to end it once and 4 all. And it's happening now. The banks don't have any money, the Federal Reserve no longer exists, the bad guys are panicking and fighting back in many ways including cyberattacks.

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