
Game (over) of thrones

Date: September 23, 2021 Category: News

Queen Elizabeth Death Rumors Spread After Funeral Details Leaked.
Operation London Bridge: Secret Funeral Plans For Queen Elizabeth II Leaked For First Time.
Monarchy will remain, but the Co...

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Surrender deal reached? No more false flags

Date: September 21, 2021 Category: News

Why the September 18th rally, planned for months, did not turn into a false flag event against Patriots?
In war, SURRENDER means: to give (oneself) up into the power of another especially as a pr...

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Gold rises despite global stocks tumble

Date: September 20, 2021 Category: News

Gold head higher on Monday, as global markets face significant declines.
Gold Experts have already pointed out that the gold price will rise in the long term.
Inflation, government debt, an...

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US Patent for Quantum computing in business problems

Date: September 13, 2021 Category: News

Accenture Awarded US Patent for Combining Classical and Quantum Computing with Potential to Address Previously Unsolvable Business Problems.
Quantum computing has the potential to solve complex b...

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Quantum computing development

Date: September 10, 2021 Category: News

Researchers hope to create large-scale quantum computers within a decade.
Researchers at Japan Riken Center for Emergent Matter Science have achieved a major step forward in increasing the scalab...

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