
Countries normalizing relations with Israel

Date: December 11, 2020 Category: News

Israeli estimates indicate that there are Arab and Islamic countries on their way to sign an agreement with Tel Aviv, before the end of the term of the current US President, Donald Trump, on the twent...

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The world awaits the leader of the free world

Date: December 10, 2020 Category: News

Senator Gerard Rennick: This election is not over in the states 17 states just sued the other states and we will see who is the leader of the free world come back next year.
Australian Senate awa...

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NESARA encoded in executive order

Date: December 6, 2020 Category: News

Donald Trump issued Executive Order on Establishing the Presidents Advisory 1776 Commission, on 2nd Nov, the day before the election.
Gematria decode of "1776 Commission": Nesara Gesara.

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WH fires 9 Defense Business Board members, installs loyalists

Date: December 5, 2020 Category: News

Martial law incoming? The White House purge of Pentagon continues.
The White House removed nine members of the Pentagon Defense Business Board on Friday and installed people loyal to President Do...

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Waller confirmed to Fed Board. WH supports Shelton

Date: December 4, 2020 Category: News

By a completely partisan vote of 48 to 47 (though Rand Paul voted against), The Senate confirmed Trump nominee Christopher Waller to the Federal Reserve Board of Governors - filling one of the two vac...

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