
International banking alliance using Ripple » News » International banking alliance using Ripple

News Date: March 20, 2022

National Australia Bank (NAB) has signed agreements with two leading global financial institutions:
- Israel's Bank Leumi;
- The Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce (CIBC);
- to form an international banking innovation alliance.
It is partnering with the alliance using Ripple's blockchain network technology.
NAB is one of Australia's major 4 banks and forms an international bank innovation network.

Trump's Fed Nominee Advocates a Gold-Backed Currency, Even a Crypto One

Judy Shelton, President Trump's nominee for the Federal Reserve board of governors, has advocated for getting back to a gold standard, possibly "in a very cryptocurrency way." In an interview, Judy Shelton told reporters:
"I don't see it so much as returning [to the gold standard], more like 'back to the future.' I think that what a gold standard stands for is monetary discipline for its own sake. Money is supposed to be a unit of account, a reliable measure and a dependable store of value. It really shouldn't be subject to who's the chairman of the Federal Reserve."

BIG details are going to be revealed

President Donald J. Trump Announces Intent to Appoint Individuals to Key Administration Posts and issued a Memorandum on the Attorney Generals Authority to Use Classified Information in Connection with Review of Intelligence Activities, on December 22, 2020.
Also, the U.S. Secret Service tweeted this: You better watch out... someone is coming. [Santa Claus] Stay tuned for a special holiday announcement tomorrow.

Gold & Silver Will Be Unstoppable

The escape from failing fiat will lead to rising nominal interest rates, with all the consequences which that entails. The inevitable outcome is a flight to commodities, including gold and silver, despite rising interest rates for fiat money.
The gold standard of the nineteenth century and is easily explained: within a confined money total such as that of monetary gold, an increase in the quantity of goods and services taking place can only be accommodated by a decline in the general level of prices. Put another way, the purchasing power of sound money, a money whose quantity is not inflated, always rises over time.

China will forgive 23 loans for 17 African nations

China has pledged to forgive 23 interest-free loans for 17 African countries and will also provide food assistance to the struggling nations, China's foreign minister Wang Yi said at the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation.
Mr. Wang also announced to increase imports from Africa, support the greater development of Africa's agricultural and manufacturing sectors, and expand cooperation in emerging industries.

Developing the BRICS currency

BRICS Group Works On A New Form Of Currency, looking At Basing Financial Reserves On A Basket Of Their Own Currencies.
State Duma Deputy Chairman Alexander Babakov said Thursday the BRICS alliance is actively engaged in developing its own currency and is set to present its proposals at the upcoming summit in August.
Putin suggested a new global reserve currency backed by hard assets and BRICS countries accumulated a great amount of gold.

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