
EO on the National Quantum Initiative Advisory Committee » News » EO on the National Quantum Initiative Advisory Committee

News Date: July 19, 2020

Donald Trump signed an Executive Order on Establishing the National Quantum Initiative Advisory Committee at White House, August 30, 2019.
Quantum Information Science (QIS) is an emerging field with the potential to cause revolutionary advances in fields of science and engineering involving computation, communication, precision measurement, and fundamental quantum science.,

Quantum computers will revolutionize financial services

Quantum computers leverage certain principles of physics that allow them to process information more effectively than the computers currently being used.
Businesses within the financial industry will benefit from this technology as quantum computers decrease risks, enhance customer services, and increase investment opportunities.
This innovation will transform the industry within the next years. Leaders and stakeholders in this field should act now, partnering externally and investing internally to make the most of quantum computers.

Saudi Arabia ready for SCO

At the initiative of the Saudi side, Vladimir Putin had a telephone conversation with Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia Mohammed bin Salman Al Saud.
They discussed cooperation in the SCO , MBS expressed his readiness to actively participate in its work.
The parties also discussed the coordination of the two countries in order to ensure stability in oil market.

Putin urges for an international independent Digital Payment System

Vladimir Putin Urges for Creation of a Digital Payment System for International Settlements.
President of Russia Vladimir Putin has called for the establishment of a new system for international settlements, independent from banks and third-party interference.
It can be created using digital currency technologies and distributed ledgers, the Russian leader said, quoted by local media.
Sources: news.bitcoin

Space Force flag unveiled in Oval Office, presented to Trump

According to a senior administration official, the flag is derived from the Space Force's seal, which features a silver delta symbol surrounded by two constellations cast against the dark blue of outer space.

Operation Starfall. New Internet?

H.R.5123 - American Freedom and Internet Access Act of 2021
Introduced 08/27/2021
Not later than 45 days after the date of the enactment of this Act, the Secretary of the Air Force,
in consultation with the Chief of Space Operations, shall develop and begin implementation of "Operation Starfall",
a strategic plan to deploy stratospheric balloons, aerostats, or satellite technology capable of rapidly delivering
wireless internet anywhere on the planet from the stratosphere or higher.

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