
Space Force Supra Coders » News » Space Force Supra Coders

News Date: October 20, 2021

The first 15 Supra Coders are already empowering the Space Force to be a lean and agile service by making improvements to processes, and developing new software for Guardians across the Space Force.
Supra Coders fix space software problems on the fly.
A new Supra Coder program within Space Operations Command deltas, Space Force's tactical-level units, provides software coding training for space operator Guardians so they can fix software issues quickly without having to wait for contractors or software experts.

The return of Pluto, US spiritual makeover

Numerology fans, especially those who believe in angel numbers, will know the date in question as it happens on February 22, 2022.
Astrologically, a Pluto return is when the heavenly body returns to the same position in a birth chart where it was when the chart began.
It happens around every 248 years, meaning this is the Pluto return in the United States since the country was founded in 1776.
Pluto will complete a full revolution for the first time since July 4, 1776.
What does the return of Pluto mean? Returning Power Back To the People.
According to the stars, the United States is finally getting a spiritual makeover with its first-ever Pluto Return on Feb. 22, 2022.
It happens around every 248 years, meaning this is the Pluto return in the United States since the country was founded in 1776.

Putin vows a fair world order after next BRICS summit

Addressing a year-end press conference that lasted more than four hours on Thursday, President Putin criticized the West's idea of a 'rules-based world order,' calling it non-existent and claiming that rules change based on political agendas.
He announced the 2024 BRICS summit in Kazan, under Russia's presidency, will aim to establish a fairer global order, dismissing the current narrative as unpredictable and driven by transient interests.
He stated the summit will 'demonstrate that there are enough forces in this world, powerful countries who want to live not by those unwritten rules, but rather by the rules enshrined in fundamental, cornerstone documents, which include the United Nations Charter...'
In October 2024, Russia will host the largest-ever BRICS summit in Kazan

Fiat destruction. Crypto or gold?

The world stands on the threshold of monetary hyperinflation with the US dollar leading the way. The final months of fiat money are coming into view.
The final solution is bound to be with central banks and government treasury departments retaining their control as issuers of money by the only means at their disposal: deploying their gold reserves to back their currencies, not as fiat, but as credible gold substitutes.
The crypto cohort is likely to have an important effect, in that it sparks an early realization in a growing part of the wider population about what government is doing with money. That is likely to speed up the collapse of fiat currencies compared to what would otherwise occur.
The flexibility in the supply of monetary gold and the stability of prices allows the original rate of interest to be both low and stable. It allows entrepreneurs to do business calculations with a high degree of certainty, knowing in terms of goods the value of money. And savers, who provide the monetary capital for future production can be confident of the future capital value of their savings when lending them for business investment purposes.

FinX tap into the QFS via Stellar

Have you Heard about the FinX token in the stellar network, a new token implemented in the new quantum system that we are moving to?
FinX was started as an initiative to support the integration of retail users into the Quantum Financial System.
FinX is a decentralized network based on sovereignty and commerce. Its goal is to provide a platform optimized for the upcoming Quantum Financial System and enterprise-ready tokens to be used in the new generation of Blockchain.
Their goal is to tap into the QFS (Quantum Financial System), the new global network for the transfer of asset-backed funds, and replaces the centrally controlled outdated SWIFT Systems. FinX assets are created within the Stellar.

Gold Is Going To Be The New Global Currency

America not only has record debts but the Fed keeps creating dollars as the tsunami of money cheapens the worlds leading currency.
A man who is connected in China at the highest levels said gold is going to be the new global currency.
Central banks bought 90 tonnes this spring and data player Palantir Technologies bought $50 million in gold bars in August.
US taxpayers and investors require their attractive insurance policy against rampant government spending and currency depreciation.
Gold is such an asset since it has no counterparty risk. It will become more valuable as more money is issued to finance government spending.

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