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News Date: March 1, 2021

Trump speech decoded:
1.They just lost the White House;
2.Beat them for a 3rd time;
3.He never said 2024, he said 3rd time;
4.Dec 21st Bidan got shot. Bidan vs. Biden urban dictionary it;
5.No yellow fringe on flags. Unlike DC, yellow fringe on flag = USA Inc.;
6.Golden eagle on top of the flagpole.
7.Trump already is the 19th President under military control.
The adornments (FINIAL) on the top of the flag poles are for military use only. The gold eagle is for the use of the President of the United States only, and only in times of war. The gold spear ball is for military recruiting.
Trump Refers To Biden As Chief Executive (Not President) and States Biden Not Allowed In The White House

Mutual payment systems recognition for Russia and India

Indian banks may start accepting Mir payment cards.
Russia and India are planning to recognize each other's payment systems.
The issue of mutual recognition of RuPay and Mir was discussed during the recent visit of India's National Security Adviser Ajit Doval to Moscow.
Among other things, the possibility of active use of national currencies in bilateral trade was also considered.

ZiG Enters Circulation

Zimbabwe introduced its new gold-backed currency, the ZiG, into general circulation on April 30th.
This move has been met with joy by Zimbabweans who have expressed relief at being able to withdraw ZiG notes and coins from banks for the first time.
While the currency was initially introduced electronically in early April, the availability of physical banknotes and coins marks a significant step forward for the transacting public.
Zimbabwe launched the gold-backed currency

Quantum Banking System, quantum-grammar construct

Quantum-Banking system is the Declaration of Independence of the world, ending the Socialist Fiat debt system.
Russell-Jay Gould, Post-Master-General on Quantum-Grammar, Quantum-Banking:
Quantum-grammar essentially offers a mathematical way to write contracts in a proper and correct way which cannot be misunderstood, upholds integrity in contracting, and holds all parties duly accountable for whatever they promise to deliver. Unlike English, which is rife with confusion and carries contradictions and denials that most people know nothing about-prefixes like un and re for instance are negations-but which manipulative central bankers, moneyed bloodline families, and long lineages of moneylenders have operated to their secret advantage and to the detriment of the ignorant citizenry, quantum-grammar puts everything on the table in plain sight and precludes any kind of shoring up of advantage by anyone, while holding people to their word. Using quantum-grammar and proper ways to contract with each other and create the systems-banking, judicial, educational, communicational which will truly work for us.,

Israel signs security memorandum with Bahrain

Israel and Bahrain signed a historic memorandum on security cooperation.
Abraham Accords still paying dividends More countries should join!
This is Israel's second memorandum with an Arab nation.
Thanks to President Donald Trump for this initiative.

An Asian Bretton Woods is suggested

An Asian Bretton Woods may be on the way.
Sergei Glazyev, a senior Russian economist and Minister in charge of the Eurasian Economic Commission (EAEU), was leading a committee planning a new trade currency for the Eurasian Economic Union.
At the same time, the new trade settlement currency was to be available to any other nation in the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation and the expanding BRICS membership.
Logic suggests that a gold-backed currency will be the outcome of Glazyev's EAEU committee's trade currency deliberations after all, because of a subsequent announcement from Moscow concerning a new Russian bullion market.

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