Quantum Financial System QFS and the BlockChain
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News Date: June 13, 2020Old Fiat Currency is false money supported by the Central Bank, banking system of debt slavery.
QFS has no comparison to anything that has ever been presented to the world before. It is like an antigravity machine compared to a car. There is no real basis to understand this technology.
Now if we discuss about the Quantum Financial System and its interrelation with Blockchain and future banking then we came to know that QFS is dealing in blockchain, shared ledgers and distributed ledger technologies, cryptocurrencies, virtual currencies and digital currencies. QFS is stored and operate on the satellite-based servers based on Quantum Computing. The reason is Quantum Computing is more secure and advance, because of its pattern of processing, the quantum computing uses two or more quantum states together to create another state by firing electrons through semiconductors using configurable pulse of light which results fastest state of speed.
That's why Quantum Computers store far more information requiring less energy and deliver more speed than current state computers.
Quantum Financial System is the future of the banks because it provides methods to perform everyday tasks better than a traditional computer. This technology will replace blockchain and cryptography within a period of ten years.
Sources:inteldinarchronicles.blogspot.com, dinartimes.com, dinartube.com
Zimbabwe will introduce gold coins
The Monetary Policy Committee resolved to introduce gold coins into the market as an instrument that will enable investors to store value.The gold coins will be minted by Fidelity Gold Refineries (Private) Limited and will be sold to the public through normal banking channels.
Also, the Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe (RBZ), announced the review of interest rates and statutory reserves.
The measures come to combat the depreciation of the local currency, soaring inflation, and the threat of economic recession.
Sources: www.rbz.co.zw
H.R.25, A bill to repeal the income tax
H.R.25A BILL To promote freedom, fairness, and economic opportunity by repealing the income tax and other taxes, abolishing the Internal Revenue Service, and enacting a national sales tax to be administered primarily by the States.
Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled.
The End of the Dollar Empire
Gazprom says it has signed a deal for China to pay for Russian gas in national currencies.Russia's Gazprom said on Tuesday it had signed an agreement to start switching payments for Russia's gas supplies to China to yuan and roubles instead of dollars.
Sources: reuters.com
Farsight Quantum Voting solution to Protect Election Integrity
An innovative new answer to the problem of election integrity has been developed that leverages the advantages of blockchain technology to provide one of the most remarkably sophisticated digital voting systems to date,By relying on a crypto-tokenization system (in which every token represents a virtual ballot).
Farsight's platform relies on a principle of zero trust, eliminating the dependence on static voting mechanisms to provide equal power and authority to users, assets, and resources.
Source: www.marketwatch.com
NESARA is Happening
We are proud to announce the formation of Restore the Republic PAC (Political Action Committee), which will be dedicated to supporting candidates who will fight vigorously for our Constitutional rights, freedom of speech, and the sacred right of free and fair elections, said Restore the Republic PAC Founder Sidney Powell.NESARA section 6: Returns Constitutional Law - the formation of Restore the Republic PAC.
Section 8: Establishes new elections. The interim government will cancel all National Emergencies and return us back to constitutional law. - The Military.
Section 9: Monitors elections - Quantum Voting System (QVS).
Game Over! Thanks for watching Castle Rock!
Sources: restoretherepublicpac.com