
The American Bankers Association confirmed ISO20022 migration » News » The American Bankers Association confirmed ISO20022 migration

News Date: January 6, 2022

The American Bankers Association has confirmed to the Federal Reserve on Monday that it supports a plan to migrate to ISO20022 on a single day but said it has "serious concern" regarding the lack of detail about the plan.
They recommend that the Board and Reserve Banks provide test accounts for financial institutions to use during this process.
They also recommend The Board and Reserve Banks provide the detailed and final ISO standard for their messages on the SWIFT MyStandards site as soon as possible.

The largest tax and regulation cuts in history

Donald Trump: With your help, we carried out the largest tax and regulation cuts, by far, in American history. And they now want to quadruple tax us, and they want to quadruple, and beyond, the regulation cuts. And when we say "tax" and we say "regulation" and you say, Oh, tax cuts. That's so wonderful, - but the people in this room that are the heads of industry - you have some very powerful people in this room - they know that the regulation cuts may have been even more important than the biggest tax cuts we've ever had.

China is emerging as IMF competitor

China gave tens of billions in secretive 'emergency loans' to vulnerable nations, emerging as world's major creditor and IMF competitor.
China has shelled out tens of billions in opaque 'emergency loans' for at-risk nations, indicating a shift to providing short-term emergency lending rather than longer-term infrastructure loans.

Global Peace, Security, and Prosperity Proposals at SCO

At the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) meeting, Chinese President Xi Jinping proposed several initiatives to strengthen regional cooperation:
Solidarity and Mutual Trust: Emphasizing the importance of unity within the SCO.
Peace and Tranquility: Advocating for collective security among all countries.
Prosperity and Development: Promoting regional collaboration through agricultural technology, local economic trade, and environmental innovation. Encouraging the use of China's Beidou Satellite Navigation System and participation in the International Lunar Research Station. Offering digital technology training.
Good-Neighborliness and Friendship: Hosting 1,000 young people from SCO countries in China over the next five years for exchange opportunities.
Fairness and Justice: Supporting a multipolar world and inclusive economic globalization. The SCO should contribute to addressing global deficits in peace, development, security, and governance.
President Xi emphasized that the SCO's success is due to its solidarity and cooperation, and China, as the next president, will continue to work with SCO partners to pursue common progress and a shared future for mankind.

FED takeover hinted by the US Debt Clock

Very interesting US Debt Clock Secret Window on November 14:
This secret window has the quotes of Thomas Edison and next The Federal Reserve System seal saying Federal 'Usury' System.
We also see the 1922 20$ Gold Certificate (and physical coins) which would be valued at about 314$ today.
But the most important suggestion: at the base of the concealed window on the Usdebtclock, rests a dial adorned with a luminous green light, positioned precisely amidst the Federal Reserve System seal and the US Treasury 1776 seal.
This seemingly symbolic arrangement signifies a transition or progression from one system to another, hinting at the shift or movement from the jurisdiction or operations of the Federal Reserve System towards those governed by the US Treasury.

Trump disappointed in blocking benefits

Very disappointed in Chuck Schumer for blocking the temporary extension of the $600 unemployment benefits. The Do Nothing Democrats are more interested in playing politics than in helping our deserving people. DRAIN THE SWAMP ON NOVEMBER 3RD!

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