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News Date: January 24, 2021

We are proud to announce the formation of Restore the Republic PAC (Political Action Committee), which will be dedicated to supporting candidates who will fight vigorously for our Constitutional rights, freedom of speech, and the sacred right of free and fair elections, said Restore the Republic PAC Founder Sidney Powell.
NESARA section 6: Returns Constitutional Law - the formation of Restore the Republic PAC.
Section 8: Establishes new elections. The interim government will cancel all National Emergencies and return us back to constitutional law. - The Military.
Section 9: Monitors elections - Quantum Voting System (QVS).
Game Over! Thanks for watching Castle Rock!

Student debt relief announcement

The Biden administration is canceling up to $20,000 in student debt for Pell Grant recipients, up to $10,000 for individual borrowers who make under $125,000 per year, and extending the pause on repayments by four months, the White House announced on Wednesday.

The Quantum Revolution

How Quantum Computing Will Transform Life:
Quantum computing remains a nascent technology, but its potential is already being felt across many sectors.
From healthcare to finance to artificial intelligence, we look at the industries poised to be reshaped by quantum computers.
Quantum computers could help improve by parsing through data more quickly, running better forecasting models, and more accurate weighing conflicting possibilities.
They could also help solve complex optimization problems related to tasks like portfolio risk optimization and fraud detection.

Trump is enacting NESARA sections by executive orders

Trump notified his staff to continue working on an Executive Order with respect to Payroll Tax Cut, Eviction Protections, Unemployment Extensions, and Student Loan Repayment Options.
If Democrats will not make a deal, President Donald Trump will pursue executive action in order to extend economic relief for the American people.
Payroll Tax Cut
Eviction Protections
Unemployment Extensions
Student Loan Repayment Options
Economic relief for American people,

Gold, Silver is value. Fiat currencies losing power

Peter Schiff: The End of the Dollar Standard!
The reason that governments don't like gold is probably for the same reason that kids don't like chaperones at the senior prom. Because the chaperones are there to keep the kids in line and prevent them from doing things they really shouldn't be doing. And that's really what gold does. It's kind of like a chaperone for government politicians because it keeps them honest. Because if you have real money, and government wants to spend money on programs, it needs to collect that money in taxes. And that generally puts a brake on a lot of programs because the public doesn't want to pay.
Gold stands in the way, because you can print paper out of thin air. But gold can't be printed into existence; it needs to be mined. And if we're on a gold standard, and gold is money, then the government needs real money. And since it doesn't have the ability to make it, it has to collect it in taxes before it can spend it back into circulation.
It's not just the dollar. It's fiat currencies around the world that are losing purchasing power as their central banks are conjuring them into existence at a rate that's far more rapid than the miners are pulling gold out of the ground. Gold's a good store of value. So is silver. Bitcoin - no. Because bitcoin doesn't have any value and you can't store what you don't have.
It's not like we're finally seeing it. We've been seeing it for decades now. The monetary expansion is inflation. And the Fed's been expanding the money supply - they've been inflating the money supply for a long time.
So, I think that if we had a more honest CPI, the effects of inflation would be more apparent.
The government is really basically dropping money from helicopters, and it's about to drop a lot more. And that's going to go right into consumer goods, and it's going to push up prices.
I think the dollar is going to fall for a long time.
A. There's nothing modern about it. It's not like they just discovered the printing press. Central banks have been destroying their currencies with a printing press for a long time.
But if it's already been disproven multiple times, it's really not a theory. It's a tragedy is what it is. So, the whole name doesn't even make sense.
If you're creating all this inflation, eventually it's going to lead to a big increase in money supply, and then by their own definition, they're going to have to withdraw all that money from circulation if they don't want it to become worthless. But it's easier said than done. Once you get everybody high on heroin, how do you take the heroin away without them going through withdrawal? That's what the Federal Reserve just found out - again - when they tried to normalize interest rates after keeping them at zero for so long. The markets started hemorrhaging. They went into withdrawal in the fourth quarter of 2018 and everything started falling apart. So, they had to go back to QE. They had to go back to rate cuts. They had to keep the addict juiced up.
It's the ultimate something for nothing.

Gold is the Real Safe Haven Asset

Gold is finally outperforming the way one would imagine. It's not always about the absolute performance as it is about the relative performance.
As Bitcoin surged from March 2020 through 2021, the market was convinced that Bitcoin was the "new" digital gold, the new store of value asset.
As Bitcoin surged to new highs at each passing day, this became a self-fulfilling prophecy.
Gold was seen as the stepchild, given no attention whatsoever as traders chased the greed and FOMO 100%+ returns in crypto assets.
Year to date, Gold is now up 6% vs. Bitcoin down 25%.

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